As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” — 1 Peter 1:14 - 16 NIV
Before I got born again, there were improper acts I was showing off everywhere I went, like speaking ill of excessively praying Christians. And truth be told, I didn’t even know it was affecting people because I kept doing it without thinking. That is what it means when, in the above Bible verse, Peter says, “… the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.” So I was conforming to evil desires I didn’t have control over.
But when I got saved and kept knowing God little by little, I didn’t recognise how these harmful behaviours left my life until my parents noticed them and told me. That doesn’t mean I’m now a perfect man because I’m still growing spiritually. But I thank God for what He has and continues to do in me. Using this experience, let’s look at how it explains the anchor scripture of the devotional above (1 Peter 1:14-16).
God instructs us through Peter that we must be holy in all we do. But how? Firstly, by refusing to conform to the evil desires we had when we didn’t know God. That’s my case, as well as anyone who doesn’t know God or isn’t born again. The unbeliever’s life is filled with consistent submission to evil desires he has no control over because of the absence of the Holy Spirit. What a tragedy!
Secondly, we must check our actions one by one. Why? Because to be holy in all you do, you have to put your conscience to use; so that you can decide not to do what won’t end up glorifying God. For example, lying doesn’t glorify God. So being holy in your speech requires you to put a check on the words you speak. And fortunately, you’re not alone in doing this thing. The Holy Spirit is right inside of you to help you. He speaks to your heart so you can navigate life in the wisdom of God.
In doing these two things, you can effectively check your actions, ensuring there is an element of godliness in each one of them. It takes a lot of grace to stand firm on your godly convictions. Worldly people don’t see the essence of living Bible-saturated lives. And because of that, the devil uses them to create distractions in the lives of God’s children.
Don’t be influenced by what the unbelievers are doing. They may look flashy in what they show in the media. But your life is different. The Bible says you’re redeemed with the precious blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19). So they may not see the essence of what you do. But as long as God has called you to do that work, keep pressing on, obeying Him every step of the way.
Wisdom is justified by her children (Matthew 11:19). In other words, significant results aren’t immediately seen, even after applying much wisdom in the work that led to it. It’ll take time for your obedience to God to reveal a clear difference between your life and the worldly person’s life. Focus on following Jesus. He’s all you need.
You’re a blessing.
Lord, I pray. Help me to be holy in all that I do. Assist me in taking conscious decisions to obey You no matter the pressures of life. Remember that I’m not alone because of Your presence, even when everyone around me doesn’t understand how You’ve carved out my way of life. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 067
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