“Raising generations in Christ through the production and distribution of digital discipleship resources.”

New YouVersion Plan Release

Advent is such a beautiful season each year to reminisce about the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord. And amidst the feasting and celebration, it is good to look into what the Bible says about Christ, too. In this plan, you are going to learn some Biblical lessons on what happened in scripture before Jesus was born and how it applies to your life.

New YouVersion Plan Release

Advent is such a beautiful season each year to reminisce about the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord. And amidst the feasting and celebration, it is good to look into what the Bible says about Christ, too. In this plan, you are going to learn some Biblical lessons on what happened in scripture before Jesus was born and how it applies to your life.

New YouVersion Plan Release

Recent Devotionals

FI - Check Yourself Before Checking Others

Check Yourself Before Checking Others

As a believer, do you check yourself before checking others? How many flaws have you seen in your life you need to work on?

FI - Give Intentionally to the Undeserving

Give Intentionally to the Undeserving

The world says don’t love your enemy because when they get you, they’ll harm you. But Jesus says love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

FI - A Gentle Tongue Can Break a Bone

A Gentle Tongue Can Break a Bone

Proverbs 25:15 says that enough patience can persuade a ruler, and a gentle tongue can break a bone. That means no matter how high a person’s position is in life, you only need patience and gentle words to keep persisting for the person to grant...

FI - The Heart of Kings is Unsearchable

The Heart of Kings Is Unsearchable

Dear friend, know that what God has said about your life cannot be searched out by anybody in this world. That fetish priest cannot find it out. The voodoo man can’t. It is only known by God.

FI - To Search Out a Matter Is the Glory of Kings

To Search Out a Matter Is the Glory of Kings

God likes to conceal matters. But He reveals those secrets to those who fear Him (see Psalm 25:9). However, for you to fear God, you must be close to Him. So, in essence, those who are close to God are those who get to know...

FI - Don't Judge People too Quickly

Don’t Judge People Too Quickly

There is no smoke without fire. That implies there is a reason behind any happening in life. Things don’t just happen. So instead of joining others to say bad things about others, wait for patience to calm quarrels.

Recent Articles

FI - How to Remain Strengthened as You Serve God
Articles Bible Questions

How to Remain Strengthened as You Serve God

By prioritising your spiritual fervour, prayer, consistent fasting, and forgiveness, you can maintain the strength and joy needed to serve God faithfully.

FI - Serve God with Your Eyes on Your Heavenly Inheritance

Serve God with Your Eyes on Your Heavenly Inheritance

Every action and effort in this life has eternal significance, so serve God with your eyes on your true reward, which is in heaven.

FI - A Message of Encouragement to the Afflicted Soul

A Message of Encouragement to the Afflicted Soul

In a world filled with trials and tribulations, many souls are burdened with afflictions and struggles, both believers and unbelievers alike. Probably you’re one of them. So, in this article, I want to write a message of encouragement to people like you. Delve deeper into...

FI - New Year, Fresh Grace - Embracing Your New Year in Grace
Articles Event Articles

New Year, Fresh Grace – Embracing Your New Year in Grace

Don’t embrace a new season in your life with an old mindset. As you’ve stepped into the new year, take your time to adapt your mindset and lifestyle to the way God wants you to live. And, of course, don’t skip church.

FI - Never Forget to Obey God's Instructions
Devotional Event Articles

Never Forget to Obey God’s Instructions

Sometimes, many believers disobey God because they forget to write down the vision He gives them. And because they forget, they also fail to wage a good warfare by working in prayer and living by discipline. Don’t be like that. Godly vision will remain as...

FI - Tell God Your Problems

Tell God Your Problems

Those who live thinking so much about his problems will live demoralised every day. So instead of worrying too much, tell God your problems. For He cares for you.

Bible Questions Articles

FI - How to Remain Strengthened as You Serve God
Articles Bible Questions

How to Remain Strengthened as You Serve God

By prioritising your spiritual fervour, prayer, consistent fasting, and forgiveness, you can maintain the strength and joy needed to serve God faithfully.

FI - How to Practice Genuine Generosity in Privacy
Articles Bible Questions

How to Practice Genuine Generosity in Privacy

A person who is not intentional about giving may give only in times or situations where they are asked to give. When this happens, it is hard to do so privately. However, where a person has a system in place for giving, they are able...

FI - How to Love Your Enemies
Articles Bible Questions

How to Love Your Enemies

By choosing to love our enemies, we express Christ. It also allows us to break the cycle of hatred and create opportunities for reconciliation and healing. Loving our enemies doesn’t mean condoning their actions or overlooking injustice; instead, it’s about responding with love and compassion.

FI - Can the Will of God Change for Someone
Articles Bible Questions

Can the Will of God Change for Someone?

God’s will doesn’t change in a person’s life. Why? Because He knows everybody’s life from beginning to end. So nothing that happens or change of decisions surprises Him. It is just that we don’t know the details of our lives like He does. So when...

FI - Does God Want Us to Suffer as Christians
Articles Bible Questions

Does God Want Us to Suffer as Christians?

Although the majority of Christians across the world do not suffer physical harm like the Christians of old, there are still sufferings associated with serving Christ. Is it God’s plan that we suffer and undergo such trials as Christians?

FI - Is Calling A Believer A Christian Right or Wrong
Articles Bible Questions

Is Calling a Believer in Christ a Christian Right or Wrong?

Calling a believer a Christian isn’t wrong. However, the Antiochenes, who called believers this name, saw them live in the ways of God. It takes salvation to become a believer, but maturity to live like Jesus. Pursue a deeper intimacy with God, walk in love...

Recent YouVersion Bible Reading Plans

Seven Biblical Principles on Finances

Money is an essential part of our lives. Without it, many things can’t be done, and visions get stunted because of a lack of adequate resources to finance them. And God knows this. He wants to change that. Check out this plan.

Five Purposes of Prayer

Know the benefit of what you’re doing in the light of God’s Word and the heavenly inheritance that will be given to you for your work. Once you, a believer, know this, it inspires you to labour effectively in God’s kingdom. Discover five purposes of prayer in this plan.

The Nine Beatitudes of Jesus

God has ordained you for greatness. But there are some attitudes that must be developed in you before you’ll get to that height of greatness God purposed for you. In this plan, I’ll help you cover all the nine beatitudes Jesus spoke about in Matthew 5:1-12.

Seven Biblical Principles on Finances

Money is an essential part of our lives. Without it, many things can’t be done because of a lack of adequate resources to finance them. God wants to change that for you. Check out in this Bible plan.

Five Purposes of Prayer

Know the benefit of what you’re doing in the light of God’s Word and the heavenly inheritance that will be given to you for your work. Once you, a believer, know this, it inspires you to labour effectively in God’s kingdom. Discover five purposes of prayer in this plan.

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