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New YouVersion Plan Release

Money is an essential part of our lives. Without it, many things can’t be done, and visions get stunted because of a lack of adequate resources to finance them. God wants to change that for you. Check out in this Bible plan.

New YouVersion Plan Release

Money is an essential part of our lives. Without it, many things can’t be done because of a lack of adequate resources to finance them. God wants to change that for you. Check out in this Bible plan.

New YouVersion Plan Release

Recent Devotionals

FI - Have Compassion for Souls

Have Compassion for Souls

Whether you’re an ordained pastor or a servant in the Lord’s house, reaching out to others with the message of Christ is your responsibility. You have been given the message of reconciliation to live as an ambassador of Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

FI - Don't Entertain Evil Thoughts in Your Mind

Don’t Entertain Evil Thoughts in Your Mind

The devil is very cunning and deceptive. He can masquerade evil and present it as good in your mind. And as a believer, you must be highly discerning to know the thoughts which are of the devil and of God’s.

FI - The Enemy Is Not Your Friend

The Enemy Is Not Your Friend

With all seriousness, guard your mind from deception. When the devil tries to paint an enticing picture of sin in your life, look at God’s Word and resist him. Life in Christ is not a joke. So don’t trade yours for anything ungodly.

FI - How to Prepare Not to Fall in Evil Days

How to Prepare Not to Fall in Evil Days

God’s Word has stood the test of time. It hasn’t changed or lost a single bit of power to transform lives. Don’t downplay its role in your life. No! Live with it in your consciousness. That will give you security in life.

FI - Labour to Have a Healthy Spiritual Eye

Labour to Have a Healthy Spiritual Eye

You must labour to have a healthy spiritual eye. But how? By investing in knowing God intimately every single day. Prioritise prayer, Word study, fasting and going to church regularly. Doing these consistently will illuminate your spirit with Christ, and your life will follow the...

FI - Decide to Fast Yourself

Decide to Fast Yourself

If Jesus wants you to get to a height in your faith journey in Him where you can fast without external leadership, then He desires you to mature spiritually.

Recent Articles

FI - Applying the Law of Persistence in Prayer

Applying the Law of Persistence in Prayer

There are some requests you make to heaven that don’t get sorted out by a few seconds of prayer. No! For some, you must pray about the same thing for months and even years. One of them is prayer for your loved ones to be...

FI - Be Content with What You Have

Be Content with What You Have

Jesus Himself said in Mathew 6:31-32 that you should not worry about what to eat, drink or wear, for our Father in Heaven knows your needs. Many of us lose consciousness of our Father’s capability to provide, which shouldn’t be the case. Learn to depend...

FI - Whoever Obeys My Word Will Not See Death

Whoever Obeys My Word Will Not See Death

Jesus said in John 8:51 that “... whoever obeys my Word will never see death.” That means that even when we are in Christ and do not obey God’s Word, we are prone to face consistent hardship in life, and unfortunately, many believers are living...

FI - Pray Until You Get Direction

Pray Until You Get Direction

Just as a lighthouse guides ships safely through stormy seas, God's Word illuminates our path and orders our steps with divine clarity (see Psalm 119:105). You must pray until you get direction from God whenever you get stuck.

FI - Let Nothing Be Wasted - Priscilla Laryea

Let Nothing Be Wasted

Every person has been given something by God and no matter how little, He expects you to exercise wisdom when using it.

FI - Three Reasons Why God Gives Humble Beginnings to Visionaries

Three Reasons Why God Gives Humble Beginnings to Visionaries

It is common for you to experience struggles during your humble beginnings in starting to actualise the vision God has given you. In those moments when God shows Himself to be faithful, you will learn to depend on Him. Wait on God, acknowledge His Word...

Bible Questions Articles

FI - Does God Want Us to Suffer as Christians
Articles Bible Questions

Does God Want Us to Suffer as Christians?

Although the majority of Christians across the world do not suffer physical harm like the Christians of old, there are still sufferings associated with serving Christ. Is it God’s plan that we suffer and undergo such trials as Christians?

FI - Is Calling A Believer A Christian Right or Wrong
Articles Bible Questions

Is Calling a Believer in Christ a Christian Right or Wrong?

Calling a believer a Christian isn’t wrong. However, the Antiochenes, who called believers this name, saw them live in the ways of God. It takes salvation to become a believer, but maturity to live like Jesus. Pursue a deeper intimacy with God, walk in love...

FI - Is Water Baptism Necessary for Salvation
Articles Bible Questions

Is Water Baptism Necessary for Salvation

With or without water baptism, once you believe in Jesus with your heart and have confessed His Lordship over your life, your salvation is secure.

FI - Why God Killed Onan for Spilling His Semen on the Floor
Articles Bible Questions

Why Did God Kill Onan for Spilling His Semen on the Floor?

Why did God kill Onan for spilling his semen on the floor? You may have asked yourself this question whenever you read that verse. Right? Today, there’s an answer for you in this article.

FI - What Does It Mean to Receive the Kingdom of God as a Little Child
Articles Bible Questions

What Does It Mean to Receive the Kingdom of God as a Little Child?

For Jesus to say that to receive God’s kingdom in order to enter therein, you’ve got to do it as a child, it means that He (Jesus) doesn’t want anybody to get saved with preconceived thoughts of how one’s life will be transformed.

FI - How to Guard God's Word in Your Heart
Articles Bible Questions

How to Guard God’s Word in Your Heart

Why is it so necessary to guard God's Word in your heart as a child of God? It's because we live in an evil world where people disregard God. Please, guard your relationship with God from all worldly filth.

Recent YouVersion Bible Reading Plans

Seven Biblical Principles on Finances

Money is an essential part of our lives. Without it, many things can’t be done, and visions get stunted because of a lack of adequate resources to finance them. And God knows this. He wants to change that. Check out this plan.

Five Purposes of Prayer

Know the benefit of what you’re doing in the light of God’s Word and the heavenly inheritance that will be given to you for your work. Once you, a believer, know this, it inspires you to labour effectively in God’s kingdom. Discover five purposes of prayer in this plan.

The Nine Beatitudes of Jesus

God has ordained you for greatness. But there are some attitudes that must be developed in you before you’ll get to that height of greatness God purposed for you. In this plan, I’ll help you cover all the nine beatitudes Jesus spoke about in Matthew 5:1-12.

Seven Biblical Principles on Finances

Money is an essential part of our lives. Without it, many things can’t be done because of a lack of adequate resources to finance them. God wants to change that for you. Check out in this Bible plan.

Five Purposes of Prayer

Know the benefit of what you’re doing in the light of God’s Word and the heavenly inheritance that will be given to you for your work. Once you, a believer, know this, it inspires you to labour effectively in God’s kingdom. Discover five purposes of prayer in this plan.

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