The subject of dominion over the earth has been emphasised throughout scripture in diverse ways. Why? Because it’s the sole reason God created man. You may ask, why do I say this? Well, let’s read Genesis 1:26 and see what God (the Triune) said:
[26] …“Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Genesis 1:26 (NKJV)
According to the verse above, it’s clear that the mandate of every human on Earth has been summed up in having dominion over the Earth. And just to let you know, God didn’t add “other people” as part of the list of what man is to have dominion over. That is why when you become authoritative over another person’s life, especially as an adult, you’ll start having problems. Maybe children are exempted for a season until they get married. That’s why it’s written in Genesis 2:24 (NKJV) that,
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
As a parent, domineering over your child’s life isn’t a permanent privilege. As they grow, you have to allow them to find their balance in life and make decisions for themselves. But let’s get back to today’s subject of dominion.
What is dominion?
Dominion, according to the Strong’s concordance, means to rule or overtake. Therefore, according to God, every man ought to take over the whole earth in one’s individual way as ordained in eternity for him to do. That is why each person’s divine mandate on this Earth is unique. In fact, I can’t describe all because they’re so varied in God that there’s no tall list of all of them. But let me give two examples. God may call someone to reach people solely through digital means for the gospel of Jesus. Another may be called to reach the youth in one’s community for the gospel. So you see, both are ministerial callings, yet with different methods. I guarantee you that when you discover your purpose [Hash This Link downwards] in Him, you’ll have no time to compare yourself with what others are doing. But what happened in Eden?
“When you discover your purpose in Him, you’ll have no time to compare yourself with what others are doing.”
How Adam and Eve failed God’s dominion mandate committed unto him
God placed the first people He created into the east of Eden (see Genesis 2:8). Eden means God’s presence. And in God’s presence, sin cannot thrive. Even today, nobody can come before God if he’s not holy. Therefore, for we to come to God, even in prayer, it’s because Jesus’ blood has washed all our sins and made us His righteousness (see 2 Corinthians 5:21, Colossians 1:14).
When man sinned by eating the tree of good and evil, he opened the portal for sin to enter the world (see Romans 5:12). Because of that, God’s presence left the Earth. That is why there’s no city called “Eden” in this world.
Furthermore, Adam handed over the authority of rulership over the Earth to the devil. That is why Jesus didn’t challenge the devil when he tempted him in Luke 4 and said,
“…All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.”
Luke 4:6 (NKJV)
Jesus knew what the devil said was true because of what Adam did. In fact, that carries a lot of lessons. Evil done by predecessors centuries ago still has consequences on the current generation until there arises a higher power, the power of God, to break it. Till today, the Bible says this devil, satan, is the god of this world (see 1 Corinthians 4:4). Evil is still thriving in this world because not everybody has encountered the gospel or found his purpose.
Jesus, the restorer of God’s dominion mandate
What God gave man to do and failed has been taken aback by Him, this time, to be executed by the Spirit of His Son, Christ, in these same people. And there are reasons for that. First, God has given this earth to the children of men to rule (see Psalm 115:16). Secondly, man’s original sinless state will only be restored by Jesus’ salvation power.
In Ephesians 4:10, Apostle Paul stated the summed-up mission of Jesus. Let’s read it.
[10] “He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.)”
Ephesians 4:10 (NKJV)
The mission of Jesus is the bolded part of the scripture – to fill all things. That includes people, solar systems, governmental systems, organisations (old and new), etc. Jesus wants to revolutionise everything with Him and His ways so that He will find expression in every part of the universe. But the Earth is His central focus for now because He’s interested in men showing His manifold wisdom, even to the surprise of angels (see Ephesians 3:10).
Come to Jesus
For God to influence people to fulfil His mandate, they ought to be holy. Why? Because in Him is light (see 1 John 1:5), and since light and darkness (sin) can’t coexist, people must encounter Jesus to be saved.
Dear reader, nobody can have a fulfilling life on this Earth without Jesus being His salvation. Coming to Jesus for your salvation is of great necessity, not only for you to escape hell but for you to discover who you are according to God’s light and why you were born on earth in order to play your part in God’s dominion mandate.
Sometimes, it saddens me how people reject the message of Jesus and compare Him to other faiths They just don’t know who they’re dealing with. No wonder their lives are so miserable, yet they can’t see because the devil has blinded them (see 2 Corinthians 4:4).
For more on the subject of salvation, please read this article: The Meaning of God’s Salvation and The Reasons Behind It
Discover your purpose in God
It is great to be born again, but not enough. Many people are genuinely saved, yet they don’t know why God brought them to the Earth. For that sake, They have normalised living without attempting anything significant. As a ministry leader, I get sad when I see such people every single week.
Child of God, there’s more to the eternal life God has given you to get settled with few normalities of life. When it comes to discovering your purpose, there are guaranteed ways in scripture He can use to show you. But none of them is without a personal encounter with Him. Do you know why? It’s because He doesn’t want your life to be a replica of someone else. Today, draw closer to God and ask Him to show you what He created you to be.
For more about finding your purpose, please read this article: Five Ways God Reveals Your Purpose to You
Be open to expansion by God’s leadership instructions
After discovering your purpose in God’s universal dominion mandate, it doesn’t end there. You have to press on to follow God’s plan for your life. In fact, that is the hardest aspect of it all. Why? Because everybody around you who is used to ordinary ways of living will see you as a black sheep (odd one), especially in your biological family, if they don’t know God.
Imagine God telling Abraham (then Abram) to leave his father’s house full of idols (see Genesis 12:1)? Won’t it be resistive? It will, right, looking at the opposition he’ll face from other family members. No wonder Abraham waited until his father died before having enough courage to leave his residence (see Genesis 11:32).
Honestly speaking, it’s very hard to follow God’s direction when you’re surrounded by unbelievers. So I’ll urge you to work towards independence, especially when you start working. You’ll have your own space to do whatever God has called you to do without restrictions.
Furthermore, I’ll also urge you not to be resistive in obeying God’s instructions. When He tells you to do something, do it as fast as possible with the grace He has given you. Always remember that honouring God’s call will eventually be beneficial to generations, but will cost your personal life of comfort and selfishness.
Honouring God’s call will eventually be beneficial to generations but will cost your personal life of comfort and selfishness.
Beware of distractions
Distraction is another way the devil tries to stop people from focusing on fulfilling their part in God’s mandate. It comes usually through time-wasting addictions to things including food, social media, etc. Beware of such things and toxic people. A strong focus on God’s vision for your life and work in discipline is the bridge between where you are and where God has called you to be.
Shalom, peace and life to you!