Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.” - Genesis 12:1 NKJV
Many people hear God but find it hard to discern that it’s Him speaking. Some people also have difficulty obeying God because what He tells them to do is usually different and uncommon in the world. Abraham (then Abram) faced this issue.
He lived in a home full of idolatry. Sin was so prevalent in the world that people weren’t calling on the name of God. So God, having chosen and set apart Abraham for Himself, instructed him to leave his country, his father, and his family to a land He (God) would show him. That instruction was too unusual for Abraham to honour and obey it immediately. It took him some time.
The Bible says, “Now the Lord has said…” So Abraham knew the voice and the instruction was from God but delayed in obeying it because of the heavy influence of his earthly father Terah upon his life. When Terah died, Abraham mastered enough courage to obey God. He obeyed God even after several years of delay. And today, there’s still the manifestation of God’s purpose for Abraham.
Listen, you’re not too stubborn for God. He has probably seen worse people than you. Have you received a divine instruction on carrying specific spiritual mandates upon your life? Obey God even if you’ve delayed in answering His call. You’d never regret it.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 067
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