Selfless service in God’s kingdom is paramount to reaching the fullness of your destiny. Unfortunately, some ministers serve because they got vetted into ministerial positions or there was nobody to do such work in their various ministries. So they end up doing the work of the ministry forcefully. But should that be the case? Certainly not! In doing kingdom works selflessness is a necessity. Let’s learn more.
Serve the Lord with gladness
[2] “Serve the LORD with gladness; come before His presence with singing.”
Psalms 100:2 (NKJV)
Reading the scripture above, this means that, in serving God, the minister should never do it begrudgingly. You should always be glad and feel fulfilled when doing anything as a service unto God. Once that is missing, there’s a problem with your spiritual fervour — it’s cold. And if this is your problem, learn to deal with every offence you’ve harboured in your heart and pray for a refreshing zeal for ministry. Sometimes, changing the company you keep may also be necessary.
When you serve God with gladness, your joy will be expressed through singing. This will manifest because of the development of your intimacy with God as you work. You will love what you do for God, even without any monetary gain. I have had similar encounters where, like right now, as I write this, my heart is content with what I am doing, and God opens my eyes and mind to the truth of His Word. I began to understand His word differently. And I believe this is because I am developing a deeper intimacy with God as I serve Him.
Serve selflessly with a sense of great purpose.
Working purposefully is the key to personal fulfilment. When you work, knowing your purpose and how crucial your work is to humanity or your organisation, you tend to do it and do it to your satisfaction. That is how, as Christians, we are to treat God’s work. We must see ourselves as God’s workers, brought into this world for a purpose, a purpose of making His glory and saving power known to all. When you serve Him with this in mind, you will gain some fulfilment in selflessly doing your work.
When you start seeing your ministry as one broken people need to transform their lives, you’ll appreciate what you do more than someone who has been forcefully put in a church position just because there was no one to fill that position but does not see the purpose of it.
The greatest shall be a servant
Always be mindful of what Jesus said in Matthew 20:26-27 NKJV (boldfaced mine).
[26] “Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. [27] And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave”
It takes humility to serve others. And as James 4:10 says, humble yourself before the LORD, and He will lift you up. On the other hand, if you lift yourself up before God, He will humble you. Let this be your character in serving the Lord and serving people.
Do not be proud, thinking you know too much or possess power high above others, presuming you are better than them. No! Continue to learn the Word and allow God to grant you the power to do more than you can think or imagine (see Ephesians 3:20).
Serving selflessly in Christ will always result in serving others who, under normal circumstances, should serve you. But he who serves others is great. Never think you’re subservient for serving God. That feeling isn’t of God. I, for instance, have contributed immensely to this ministry. But I don’t put it in the faces of others. I humble myself and even work in other ministries, without complaining or letting them know that I am also a leader in another ministry. That is part of what selfless service is all about. That isn’t to boast about myself. It’s to make you understand what it means to serve God with a selfless mindset.
Embrace this profound truth and walk the path of selfless service, knowing that as you lift others up in humble servitude, God will, in turn, lift you up to greater heights in His kingdom. May you be steadfast in our commitment to serve joyfully, selflessly, and humbly as you journey toward the top in God’s kingdom, fulfilling our divine purpose and glorifying His name.