Keep Your Spiritual Fervour

“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” - Romans 12:11 NIV

Fervour means intense heat. So spiritual fervour refers to a believer’s fire in serving the Lord. Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 12 verse 11 that it is the responsibility of every servant of God to keep his (or her) spiritual fervour. Why?—Because it can be brought low, usually through offences.

There’s something I’ve learnt in my at least three years of serving the Lord. I’ve learnt not to allow people’s offences to influence my choice of demonstrating God’s love to everybody.

The same people Jesus ministered life to them were those who turned to gossip about Him. No matter what you do, offences are inevitable to happen. So don’t draw your inspiration to continue serving God from people’s responses and reactions to your ministrations. Let God and His Word be your primary source of inspiration.

Fellowship with the Lord. Be so consumed in His love that you’ll not become dependent on people to do things for you. Has someone offended you without apologizing? Brush it aside, and flow with the brethren. Remember that to keep your spiritual fervour, you must not harbour offences in your heart because such an act makes God’s love in you grow cold (Matthew 24:12).

You’re a blessing.

Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 076

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Keep your spiritual fervour
Romans 12 verse 13 (NIV)
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