
Knowing God Devotional is an online daily devotional written by Andrews Baah Kwafo, the president of The Bible Daily Network.

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A Gentle Tongue Can Break a Bone

Proverbs 25:15 says that enough patience can persuade a ruler, and a gentle tongue can break a bone. That means no matter how high a person’s position is in life, you only need patience and gentle words to keep persisting for the person to grant you the favour you desire him to do.

To Search Out a Matter Is the Glory of Kings

God likes to conceal matters. But He reveals those secrets to those who fear Him (see Psalm 25:9). However, for you to fear God, you must be close to Him. So, in essence, those who are close to God are those who get to know the secrets of God. And that explains why strong Christians who love to have fellowship with God possess much divine wisdom.

Let No Man Separate What God Has Joined Together

We must be careful about the advice we give others when they come to us for help. You might be breaching God’s rule when you tell people, especially couples, to separate. There is a solution to every problem. So make up your mind never to serve as a reference point to make someone disobey God’s principles.

Don’t Testify Against Your Neighbour Without a Cause

The Bible says it is unwise to testify against your neighbour without a cause (or valid reason for your accusation). When you do that, it says your lips can mislead you. That means as long as you don’t know the full details of a close person’s issue, you are not permitted to speak evil of him, even as a way of criticising him constructively.

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