“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” - Ephesians 2:10 NKJV
In Ephesians 2:10, we understand that each believer is created in Christ to walk in good works. Good works are exploits of faith, and there’s nothing selfish about them. Without believers in Christ manifesting them, there’s no room for impact on people’s lives. Moreover, it costs to make an impact on people’s lives. Why?—Because it requires the utilization of God’s grace, wisdom, and energy (strength from the anointing) to do good consistently. Let’s analyze this well.
When God loved the world, He wanted all men to be saved. So it cost Him to give Jesus to come and take away the sin of the world (John 1:29). And even after all these, Jesus’ mission of turning many unto His righteousness through salvation hasn’t ended. He continues to make an impact on people’s lives through the ministries, kingdom businesses, and organizations He has led people to establish and work. Nevertheless, Jesus didn’t start all these without counting the cost.
As a Christian, you must see yourself as a part of Jesus’ mission. You may not serve full-time in the ministry, but your service in God’s kingdom is very significant because it contributes to a greater impact of Jesus on lives. Avoid wasting your life by keeping it for yourself. Lose it for Jesus because through it, a meaningful kingdom impact will be made. You’re too needed to be wasted. Be empowered to continue doing good works.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 057
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