Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” — Matthew 28:18 - 19 NIV
“The hallmark of every great leader is influence, not popularity.”
It’s not possible to make an impact without influence. And also, there’s no influence without constructive use of authority and wise spending of time.
While Jesus was on earth, He sacrificed much of His time preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all those under the devil’s oppression. Nevertheless, none of these happened without the anointing of the Holy Spirit and power that was upon Him (Acts 10:38).
Jesus didn’t just have the anointing. He used it well. As a result, His influence spread over the whole of Israel. However, before He left the earth, He told his disciples that they should go and make disciples of all nations, not new converts. Prior to that statement, He made them aware that He has all authority in heaven and earth. Then following that statement, He said He was always with them, even to the end of age.
Did you get that? Paraphrasing Jesus’ speech, I’ll say it in this way:
“Because I have all authority from heaven and earth, and I’m also always with you, go and make disciples.”
This Jesus, who has sent you, has what you need to succeed. You only have to let your mind lay hold on the Truth that He is with you and will always provide.
Following this, through your fellowship with Him, you can spread the net of kingdom influence in this dark world. You may be a young unrecognized minister. You may start small. And it’s not bad. But I want you to think big. Jesus sent you to the world, not to a few people. Give mediocrity no chance in your progress as a child of God. Follow God’s principles, and remember that it shall be well with you.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 105
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