“So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was quickly brought from the dungeon. When he had shaved and changed his clothes, he came before Pharaoh.” — Genesis 41:14 NIV
There are times when God hides a person before exposing him to higher realms of influence and abundance. It’s in those seasons He trains us, teaches us new things we never knew, and most importantly, treasures the individual fellowship we have with Him more than anything else in this world.
Let’s say God has hidden you from public openness for a while now just like Joseph. When your time for Him to outdoor you is near, you may honour such opportunities. But it’ll be a waste if you refuse to change your presentation. Let me explain this.
Joseph was an innocent boy when he was sold into slavery by his own brothers. He was falsely accused of committing sexual immorality with his first master, Potiphar’s wife. Following that, he was sent to prison. Then in prison, he lived a godly life and helped two people get out of that prison through dream interpretation, a divine gift God graced him with while he was young.
Joseph wanted to leave the prison. So he performed spiritual advertisement to the chief butler, one of those men he helped leave the prison. Two full years later, he was recommended to Pharaoh for a strange dream interpretation. He knew his time for divine outdooring was at hand. But Joseph didn’t appear before Pharoah in prison clothes. The Bible says that he shaved and changed his clothes before presenting himself to Pharaoh.
It’s true your gift makes way for you and brings you before great men (Proverbs 18:16). But if you don’t change your presentation from whatever to best when going before people of influence, you can waste that opportunity to bless lives with what you carry.
Could it be that God has anointed you for great exploits, yet you don’t know how to speak publicly? Could it be that you don’t know how to dress well when called to appear before great people of influence? Check that. Your character is more important to God than your gift. Why do I say this? If you have a bad character, your gift won’t take you far, no matter how skilful you are.
Your character is more important to God than your gift.
Spend time with God. Allow Him to develop you and lead you to take educational courses necessary for His path for your life. By doing this, you’ll be ready beforehand when opportunities come. Remember that opportunity met without preparedness will be wasted. Gird up your loins. For God is about to take you higher!
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 106
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