‘Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end …’ – How Jesus’ Kingdom Will Keep Expanding


Have you ever read Isaiah 9:7 and wondered what it meant when Isaiah prophesied, “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end …”. He was talking about Jesus and how His kingdom will keep expanding. But how is this prophecy being fulfilled in our current generation? That is the purpose of this article – to minister to you what it means for the scripture to say Jesus’ kingdom will keep expanding.

Does Jesus have a kingdom?

There can’t be a kingdom without a king. And there cannot be a government without the jurisdiction of rulership. If Jesus has a government, then He is a king and therefore, He has a kingdom.

In the four gospel books, there were several times Jesus said that His kingdom is not of this world (Luke 22:29-30, John 8:36). The father has entrusted His kingdom unto Jesus (John 17:10). So Jesus is now the King of the kings (the believers in Christ – Revelation 1:6), and anyone who is born again gets translated to His kingdom (Colossians 1:13).

The government of Jesus

Now since you know Jesus has a kingdom, it’s expedient to understand the government of Jesus. That is the jurisdiction of Jesus’ rulership. It’s the Church – global believers all around the world.

The Spirit of Christ dwells in each Christian (Romans 8:9). Because of that, it establishes the truth that Jesus is the Lord and Saviour of each person in Christ.

If Jesus rules in the hearts of God’s people, it means He’s the chief director of their lives through the Holy Spirit. And since every king desires his kingdom to expand, Jesus is on a mission to transform every area of this wicked world unto His rulership through His people. That is why the Church has several compartments, yet one Body.

Ministry isn’t about “church work” per se. It’s about service unto God wherever you are.

There may be people of various occupations in one church. It’s on purpose – so God will use the varieties of talents, educational backgrounds and work fields to impact people for Christ.

The earnest expectation of the creation awaits the manifestation of the kingdom of God

Probably you’ve read Romans 8:19 before, where the scripture speaks about creation awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God. But have you ever thought of that scripture connecting to Isaiah 9:7? Maybe yes; maybe not.

Here’s the mystery. According to Psalm 115:16, God has given this earth to the children of men. So if Jesus would change every person and area of influence unto God’s original pattern, He needs men to do it. Remember that we’re living in a wicked world (1 John 5:19), and this world became wicked since the fall happened in Genesis 3.

If I need you to do something for me, I’ll first contact you, speak to you to know my idea and demand your allegiance to help me fulfil my desire. God is operating in this same way. He needs men to change the world. But He cannot use men in their fallen state of sin. So He sent Jesus to come into the world, preach the gospel of the kingdom and get people saved. So that those who are saved will be transformed by the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, so much so that they’ll also become witnesses to Jesus all over the world.

The Expansion of Jesus’ Kingdom

As the believers in Christ keep spreading the gospel, more people will be saved and discipled. And in the course of the discipleship, each one will discover his calling or ministry and fulfil it with the help of God. Hence, ministry isn’t about “church work” per se. It’s about service unto God wherever you are.

If you’re a teacher, you teach people well not for salary but out of passion, knowing that your service is first unto God before man (Colossians 3:23). Who knows you’re training one kid amongst your students who’ll use your knowledge to affect millions for the gospel of Jesus.

Let’s not be money conscious in what God has entrusted us to do but kingdom-focused. May God bless the work of your hands.

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