“Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good.” — Proverbs 17:13 NIV
You may have read Romans 12:21 and have kept it in memory that we must repay evil with good. But have you ever thought about what will happen to you when you repay good with evil? Maybe yes. Maybe not! However, knowing what befalls you for breaking a godly principle helps you follow the Word wholeheartedly. It also cautions you from straying off God’s path.
In Proverbs 17:13, Solomon got inspired by the Holy Spirit to write that evil won’t leave the house of those who repay evil for good. That means when you intentionally commit evil deeds against people who do you good, you’re welcoming demonic spirits to make room in your environment. How practical is this? Look at this example.
God so loved the world that He gave us Jesus to come and die for our sins. That is the highest extent God has ever gone because of the love He had (and still has) for the people He created. However, there are some unbelievers who have decided not to honour God’s invitation to be saved. And such people are repaying evil for the good deed God had done through neglect and ignorance.
Look at such people’s lives. Evil things keep happening to them, and yet still, some struggle hard to recognise their need to be saved and to serve Jesus. What keeps happening to them is a mere fulfilment of scripture that evil will never leave the house of those who pays back evil for good. The question is, “will you follow them or come to Jesus?”
Make it a hearty intention that no matter how bad people treat you, disappoint you or exploit you for their selfish gains, repay their evil with good. I ain’t saying that do not complain when you are abused. Do it the right way to settle issues and not create division amongst God’s people.
You’re a blessing.
Lord, thank You for my life. I thank You for the wisdom and spiritual senses that You have endowed me with to discern between good and evil. Assist me always to repay evil with good so that I’d not be numbered amongst those who are unappreciative of the good deeds of others. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 092
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