God’s Word Is Like a Hammer

[29] “Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” – Jeremiah 23:29 (KJV)

It has been a long time since I held a hammer in my hand, although I frequently see some around electrical stores. None of my parents nor brothers are carpenters. So rarely will we see a hammer in the house while growing up. But I remember what the function of a hammer is – to facilitate carpenters to nail wood together as well as break wood and rocks. So, for God’s Word to have the functionality of a hammer, it means it can merge things as well as break big things (obstacles) into pieces. In Jeremiah 23:29, God emphasised on the second functionality. But something is interesting there.

The scripture says that God’s Word is like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces. Wait a minute. It doesn’t say it breaks stones, but rocks. So the Bible, which many people regard as just a book, contains God’s Word that can pull down enormous obstacles to the point of them becoming nothing. Dear believer, what has been your challenge for this long? Have you forgotten that GOD CAN DO ALL THINGS? No! Think about that statement.

Nothing is too hard for God. Is it anxiety, money problems, false accusations, death, or what? Submit your request to God in prayer. Never lose faith in God. Keep praying and releasing God’s powerful Word over that situation. The God of the universe will show up for you. Just don’t give up!

You’re a blessing.


Father, I plead my case before you today. Step into my situation as I pray in faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 349

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Devotional - God's Word Is Like a Hammer
Devotional – God’s Word Is Like a Hammer
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