“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it” - Luke 14:28 NKJV
Every building is worth much cost, whether calculated or not. Jesus wasn’t an accountant, quantity surveyor, or mason. But He knew the processes involved in constructing buildings. He said any wise builder must first sit down and count the cost involved in what he’s about to do. Fortunately, some Christians obey this principle in anything they do and come out successfully. But many people don’t do it.
When you set your eyes on something you want, it’s never going to gravitate towards you. You have to work to get it. I’m not speaking about things God supplies to you when you seek His kingdom first (Matthew 6:33). I’m talking about real projects and buildings that you intend to build.
There’s something I term virtual buildings. It comprises all the systems we subject our lives to practice, whether good or bad. Examples are agreements, communication styles, relating with other people, and how we’re supposed to do things virtually in any organization. These things are critical, but we seldom give much attention to the cost involved.
When I started my personal Facebook page for the gospel last year, I knew God would use it to bless many people’s lives with the Spirit-filled teachings of Christ. It was a virtual building, but it involved a cost. This cost wasn’t only about money, but time to manage it, write posts, design images, and even reply to people’s comments. It hasn’t been that easy. However, because I counted the cost before starting it, I didn’t suffer much when it was up and running to date (although not all days are the same).
When you count the cost involved in anything you are about to build, your preparation for it becomes better and more explicit. I suppose you’ve drafted some things you want to do yourself or want God to do for you this year. Friend, I want to let you know that God will do His part. However, don’t fail to do your part.
Put monitoring systems such as phone reminders, progress checkup bars, and other technological tools to supervise the implementation of the plans made. Your phone isn’t for only calls and social media.
Don’t approach things, especially new ones, anyhow. It doesn’t help. Count the cost and be ready to make sacrifices to ensure they come to pass. However, be Spirit-led and do not allow your love for anything earthly to prevent you from obeying God completely.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 002
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