Handling Criticism as a Minister

[38] “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” – Matthew 10:38 (NKJV)

Following Jesus is a divine call, and part of the things that comes with it is criticism, especially when you’re serving in the ministry. Why do I say this? Because not everybody will like you for what you do. Not everybody will like your style of preaching. In fact, the extraordinary things God does throughout your life will even be a nuisance to some people with no particular explanation. Some will hate you for no reason. So, these are some of the many things ministers of the gospel face each day. What is our encouragement?

Jesus said in Matthew 10:38 that anybody who doesn’t take his cross to follow after Him is not worthy of Him. That implies following Jesus comes with a cross, and in that individual cross is unexplainable suffering and pain. We live in a generation where people are focused on getting from people instead of giving to them. Selfishness has never led anybody far in this life.

As a follower of Christ, you must learn the art of handling criticism. No matter what you do, they’ll come. People will craft stories about you merely to defame your name and the Jesus you profess. But the good news is that those people didn’t call you; God did. So if God is the One who called you, He determines Your pace, and your validation comes from Him. If God has not written you off, man’s criticisms will always be short-lived. Focus on running your race of faith with patience, and learn to trust God in every season of your life. It is well with you.

You’re a blessing.


Father, thank You for keeping me strong all these years. I pray for the grace to continue in my calling. Help me to run my race of faith well. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 317

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Devotional - Handling Criticism as a Minister
Devotional – Handling Criticism as a Minister
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