The Empowerment to Live an Extraordinary Life

“[11] And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” — Romans 8:11 NIV

Have you seen a calm cat before? It knows how to behave itself well around the house. But as soon as it sees a mouse, an unexplainable inner strength rises in the animal to pursue that mouse to its last breadth. That is potential. It’s in there (for both men and women), but something has to trigger it up in the animal.

In the same way, God has created us to live extraordinary lives without struggle – a life above the dictates of sin but of grace’s empowerment. But with our human strength, we’re very limited. That limitation started manifesting since the time Adam and Eve fell in the garden. It has always been toiling here and there for people who try to do things in life without grace.

God’s Word reveals in Romans 8:11 that the empowerment to live an extraordinary life is found in the quickening of the Spirit of God. And that Spirit dwells in believers in Christ alone. That means, to really have a progressive life full of purpose fulfilment, you cannot set aside the work of the Holy Spirit in you. Once you set God aside, the evidence will be clear in your weaknesses, if not immediately, then later on.

You’re a being of infirmity, too incapacitated to achieve what God has called you to do in your own strength. Sow in the Spirit. Labour in building your relationship with the Lord in consistency. Don’t skip the gathering of the saints, don’t cease praying and don’t stop studying the Word consistently. These are things that’ll keep you from veering off the fraternity of the brethren in Christ.

You’re a blessing.


Father, I pray in the name of Jesus, quicken my mortal body to do the great things You’ve called me to do. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 036

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Devotional - The empowerment to live an extraordinary life
Devotional – The empowerment to live an extraordinary life
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