[11] “One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people.” – Exodus 2:11 (NIV)
Moses was one of the people who faced persecution when he was born. He was hidden for three months. Later, when his mother couldn’t hide him any longer, she placed him by the river Nile, and his sister (Miriam) stood at a distance to watch him. Later, Pharoah’s daughter saw the little boy in the basket crying. She had compassion on him and sent for a Hebrew maid to nurse him. Eventually, Moses’ mother was the one called to do it. And when Moses grew up, she sent him to Pharoah’s daughter for adoption.
Even though the boy grew up in the palace and knew all the customs and several mysteries about Egypt, when he grew up, he recognised that he wasn’t an Egyptian. How did He recognise his own people even though he had been raised in a palace? Didn’t all that he learned erase her childhood memory as a Hebrew? No!
I did a short study on memory retention in adults before writing this article. According to my findings, breastfeeding children by their mothers affects their cognitive abilities beyond infancy, even into adulthood. That means the breast Moses received from his mother while he was young was powerful enough to leave a permanent imprint in his mind that he was not an Egyptian. Even though Moses didn’t know God much, God carefully raised him in that palace before His own eyes. Interesting!
Today, it’s quite hard for even some believers in Christ to recognise their fellow believers when they go to a different place. The compromise has become so much that accurate discernment is missing in several believers’ lives.
It takes maturity to recognise your own people, child of God. We live in an evil age. So be on your guard to flow with believers who love you deeply despite your faults and mistakes. The Lord be with you!
You’re a blessing.
Father, help me to recognise Your people wherever I go by divine discernment. I pray, in the name of Jesus, take me away from people who don’t love me genuinely but show deceptive faces when I appear before them. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 213
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