Whenever a new year is just around the corner, it’s common to see many advisory social media posts suggesting what to do and what not to do in the new year. These are called New Year’s resolutions. They aren’t bad, but many of us don’t get them fulfilled in our lives — not because we aren’t able to, but because they merely don’t work.
Since time immemorial, living by dos and don’ts isn’t the best way to change people’s lives. But for us Christians, beginning our year strong in the Lord can bring much more change and extraordinary works in our lives.
The question is, “how can God do so much in and with us each day?” It’s simple, “according to His power at work in us.” (Ephesians 3:20). Therefore, for New Year’s resolutions to be fulfilled in the might of God’s power, they must be in line with God’s will for our lives and the Truth from the Bible. God supplies grace unto tasks that honour His name at the end.
Believe in Jesus for greater works
It’s God’s desire for each one of His children to become great each year. However, greatness, although it’s about service, can’t be achieved without engaging in exploits of faith. Jesus says in John 14:12 that anyone who believes in Him will do His works in extraordinary magnitudes.
That makes it necessary for anyone who wants to be like Jesus to be born again. After this, then spiritual transformation follows, which will result in spiritual growth and a change in thinking patterns to that of God.
Commend to God and the Word of His Grace
After Paul taught the Ephesian church for three years about the counsel of God, one of his few words to them before leaving is written in Acts 20:32 (NKJV), which says,
So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
He was saying, signing up to be with God and His Word is enough to replace his absence.
Many don’t realise that we usually act on what fills our thoughts. So, desiring a new change with an old mindset won’t work. It’s God’s Word that will renew our minds. Therefore, the best advice I can give anyone praying for a transformational new year (and life) is to allocate time and build the habit of consistent study of God’s Word.
We usually act on what fills our thoughts.
The Word of God is your spiritual food. But just like any other food, you have to consume it, else it won’t benefit you, even if it’s fully cooked and placed right in front of you. A few recommended habits to build are as follows:
- Reading at least one Bible chapter per day
- Reading some pages of one Christian book per day
- Take on a Bible plan on the YouVersion Bible app
- Listening to sermon podcasts
- Reading daily devotionals from our website
There are a lot of them. Choose a few, plan, and set reminders to help remember you to do them. Remember that where commitment goes, energy flows.
Be strong in the Lord
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Ephesians 6:10 NKJV
Start your year strong in the Lord with confidence. Walk with the Lord, depend on Him and be growth-minded. Don’t beat yourself up when your goals don’t get accomplished. At least appreciate what God’s power will do in your life that will bring improvement in any area of your life.
The Lord is with you.