“But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” — Matthew 6:17 - 18 NKJV
Gone were the days I used to fast to show others that I had more capacity to endure hunger than them. But what about you? Do you fast like how the Pharisees did? The Pharisees had a specific number of days they fasted a week. Moreover, they made everyone aware of their fasting modes by disfiguring their faces, and Jesus noticed that.
So Jesus taught that when it comes to fasting, you can choose to fast even if God hasn’t told you to. However, you must desist from disfiguring your face like the Pharisees so that nobody will know you’re fasting.
Today, it’s not really about disfiguring faces. Why? Because people bathe and dress up every day, whether at home or the office. However, it’s about being faithful to God’s instructions, despite opposition.
For example, a believer can secretly decide to fast up to 6 pm a day. Later that same day, a friend can show up and invite him to a free lunch. And because it’s “free,” he’ll start thinking of breaking the fast using lunchtime. He knew that wasn’t his decision, but because of readjustment, he could break it.
Many of us practice secretive fasting, but we’re not faithful to it. Friends and family may never know it, but before God, the Father of lights, everything is plain before Him. He sees how people disobey His Word and adjust His standards to suit their selfish desires daily. Could it be that you’re one of them?
What Jesus taught us in Matthew 6 about fasting isn’t just about keeping your face clean during fasting durations. It’s about getting your reward from God for fasting. Jesus doesn’t want you to fast in vain. Why? Because vain fasting harms your body. It does you no good and can even get you sick because you starve yourself for nothing. He wants you to fast well, not about time, but about building an intense devotion unto God. Go and do likewise.
You’re a blessing.
Lord, give me divine enablement to keep up to date with Your standards and my decisions to fast unto You. Grace me to respectfully deny any attempt of the enemy to make me break any fast I embark in Your name. Lead and guide me in the way everlasting. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 042
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