Divine wisdom, or simply put, wisdom that comes from heaven, is every Christian’s inheritance in Christ. Some have it in abundance, while others struggle to walk in it. God is wise. He wants His children to live wisely in this modern crooked generation. Jesus said he had sent us as sheep amongst wolves. Hence, we should be wise (Matthew 10:16).
There are several ways a believer in Christ can increase in divine wisdom according to Biblical principles. I want to share three of them with you.
1. Ask God for wisdom
In James 1:5 (NKJV), the Bible says,
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
God loves to give wisdom to anybody who asks Him. He’s a liberal giver and also gives without reproach. That means He doesn’t check whether the person who asks Him for wisdom merits it or not; He’ll give bountifully unto that person.
Think about Solomon. He just asked God for wisdom. And the immense amount of divine wisdom this man had was unquantifiable. If you want to increase in divine wisdom, consider making it a heartfelt personal prayer request with good motives behind your desire. Why do I say this? Because God checks the motives behind our actions (Proverbs 16:2). So to prevent us from using His gifts for self-glorification, He’s likely to withhold answering the prayer for wisdom until we conceive a clean mentality behind our request.
God doesn’t check whether the person asking Him for wisdom merits it or not. Once you ask with pure motive, He’ll give it to you without reproach.
2. Study the Bible and other Christian resources
Books carry a lot of wisdom. However, the Bible is the ultimate divine wisdom bank. God can give you His wisdom. But if you do not study His Word, you won’t know His thoughts about you. Learn to practice consistent personal Bible study. That would help you greatly to increase in divine wisdom.
However, I would like to address why it is essential also to study other Christian resources such as books, articles, devotionals, and other online/physical publications.
In 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV), the Bible says,
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Notice that Paul didn’t tell Timothy to “study the Bible to show himself approved unto God.” That probably means it isn’t only the Bible we believers in Christ, are supposed to study to show ourselves approved unto God, not to be ashamed, and also to rightly divide the word of truth.
I won’t recommend you as a Christian to read just any book your hands just pick up. Handpick the ones you know they’ll help you, especially on topics you’re ignorant of. And then, commit to studying, not just reading. The impact an author can make through his (or her) book on a person can be more effective when they are studied rather than read or skimmed.
The Bible is the ultimate divine wisdom bank.
3. The laying on of hands
Another way a believer can increase in divine wisdom is through impartation. Impartation in Christ simply means God, through the Holy Spirit, using the spirit of his servant to transmit spiritual strength and mysteries to another in divine power. Divine wisdom can be imparted from God’s servant to another Christian desiring to be wise. This is the strategy Moses used to impart divine wisdom unto Joshua just before dying.
And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Israel hearkened unto him, and did as the LORD commanded Moses.
Deuteronomy 34:9 (NKJV)
Probably you may be in a church where impartation service is scarcely done. If you choose this method, honourably serve under a servant of God for a while before presenting this request. Joshua was Moses’ servant for some time before Moses blessed him. Don’t serve in God’s house with the main aim of getting something in return. Serve in humility to grow spiritually and help. God Himself will surprise you.
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