[5] “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” — James 1:5 NKJV
Do you know many people are givers, even in God’s house, yet very grievous at heart while doing it? Some grown-up men give financially to their relatives out of responsibility and not love. So because of that, they grieve in their hearts as they do it. What a tragedy! That is why there are too many complaining people in our world today. They do everything without love and end up unfulfilled. But God is not like that.
James 1:5 says God is a liberal giver of wisdom. On top of that, He also gives to people without reproach. That means He doesn’t reluctantly provide wisdom to those who ask Him. Isn’t it awesome that your God will provide you with divine wisdom without thinking about whether you are qualified to receive it or not?
Let it be in your consciousness that your God loves you too much to withhold giving you what will help you to fulfil His purpose, including a spouse. Do not let the devil lie to you that God will not give you what you ask for. No! He is a liberal giver of wisdom.
But beware of lack of faith and having wrong motives for asking God for things, whether material or immaterial. As for these, they’ll hinder you from receiving from the Lord (see James 1:6—8, Proverbs 16:2). I pray for you that whatever you ask God will be on point.
You’re a blessing.
Father, may I never miss out on praying the right prayers concerning everything I need to live unto You and fulfil Your divine mandate for my life. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 054
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