[13] “When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; [14] but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.” — James 1:13-14 NIV
Nowadays, there are automatic cars that drive you around without you needing to touch any gear or driving wheel. In such a case, you only need to sit in the car and let it do its work. Interesting, right? Do you know that men’s lives have drivers? You’re either driven by God, your own desires, or foul spirits. But the second one is a bit technical; in that when you’re saved and rooted in Christ, the Holy Spirit will influence your decisions since He’s transforming your mind. But when you’re not saved, demons can host your mind and make you do the wrong things.
So, in essence, no human really has desires that are processed in the mind without a spirit involved, either the Holy Spirit or demons. Look at what the Apostle James said in James 1:13-14. He says that when you’re tempted with evil, know that God isn’t responsible for such thoughts, but our own sinful desires, which can be traced deep down to the influence of fowl spirits. Things are really happening in this world.
I want to ask you a sincere question. What drives you – God or your desires? Sometimes, your thoughts may not be evil per se, but the long-term effect can be so wicked. For example, some civil engineers steal money by over-budgeting funds given to them to construct roads. They can finish the work, and everything will be on point. But a few years down the line, the road will start developing portholes. That is one of the evil things that has plagued many African nations from having good roads. But the thoughts that came into these engineers’ minds weren’t from them. They came from the pit of hell.
Today, make a conscious decision that God will be the One to tell you what to do, not your evil desires. Get connected to Him in intimacy every day of your life. If you’re not saved, seek help and be born again. Life is too short to live experimenting with evil things. Seek God.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for providing the Spirit of Christ in me. I pray, that my spiritual sense will get developed so that I’ll be a fast discerner of good to submit unto it, and evil to resist it. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 055
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