Faithfulness, they say is one of the key needs in every minister’s life. Whether you’re a ministry head, a church worker or an employee in a workplace, your faithfulness will be tested. Will you do what you’re told to do without supervision? Or you’ll be a slack person who needs to be dragged by your boss or pastor to do what’s expected of you? In today’s article, I want to elaborate on faithfulness – the hallmark of every great worker.
1. What then, is faithfulness?
The Greek word “πίστις” (pistis) in the context of Proverbs 20:6, conveys the meaning of trustworthiness, loyalty, and fidelity. It encompasses being faithful in fulfilling commitments, keeping promises, and maintaining unwavering allegiance to others.
Faithfulness, as described in Proverbs 20:6, is not only a desirable trait in personal relationships but also a hallmark of every great worker. It encompasses qualities such as consistency, reliability, and trustworthiness. A faithful worker is one who consistently shows up, fulfils his responsibilities, and maintains a high level of dedication and commitment to his work. This unwavering devotion to his duties creates a sense of trust and dependability from colleagues and employers, making him highly valued in the workplace.
In conclusion, faithfulness is a vital attribute that distinguishes exceptional workers, demonstrating their reliability, consistency, and dedication in their professional endeavours. Faithfulness, as a quality, entails being reliable, trustworthy, and devoted to carrying out tasks or responsibilities.
In the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30, the master entrusted his servants with different amounts of money. He expected them to work diligently and wisely with what they have been given in order to increase and multiply those resources. The parable elucidates the connection between faithfulness and commitment. The servants in the story are expected not only to carry out their assigned tasks but also to do so with a deep sense of commitment, even in the absence of direct supervision.
Faithfulness involves going beyond simply fulfilling the minimum requirements and instead displaying a sense of dedication, perseverance, and diligence. This master in the parable rewarded those servants who faithfully and diligently multiplied their allotted resources. Meanwhile, he punished the servant who failed to use his resources to work out of fear or negligence. That reveals that faithfulness and commitment go hand in hand. To be faithful means to remain steadfast and dedicated in completing the tasks or responsibilities entrusted to you, even when faced with challenges, distractions, or minimal supervision.
Beloved, let us now see how we can demonstrate faithfulness;
1. Obey those who rule over you.
In Hebrews 13:17, the author highlights the importance of obeying one’s ministry head. This obedience goes beyond mere compliance as it reflects a deep honour for God’s ordained authority systems. By submitting to and honouring your ministry head, individuals create an environment of order, harmony, and unity within the ministry. Again, obediently following the guidance of ministry leaders fosters personal growth and development as individuals learn to trust and rely on the wisdom and guidance of those placed in positions of authority.
Furthermore, obeying your ministry head in accordance with Hebrews 13:17 is an essential aspect of fulfilling God’s purposes and advancing His kingdom. God employs you to carry out ministerial tasks, using these tasks as opportunities for your training and growth. By delegating these responsibilities, God helps you to develop their skills, character, and faithfulness in fulfilling your divine calling. This process not only benefits you, but also serves as a means to accomplish God’s purposes in the world.
Through these delegated tasks, God teaches His servants important lessons such as humility, dependence on Him, and the value of obedience. Obedience becomes crucial in this process, as it demonstrates your willingness to align their actions with God’s willand follow His instructions without offering excuses or resistance. It is essential to distinguish obedience from making excuses.
Obedience requires a willing and submissive heart, where one willingly accepts and carries out the task assigned by God. On the other hand, making excuses demonstrates a reluctance or unwillingness to fulfil God’s command, often driven by fear, doubt, or personal convenience. God seeks servants who are obedient, steadfast and committed to His service, regardless of the challenges or difficulties they may encounter.
Ultimately, God’s purpose in using His servants through delegating ministerial tasks is to equip and prepare them for the unique roles and responsibilities He has for them. This training process moulds His servants into vessels that He can use effectively for His Kingdom’s advancement. In turn, this enables them to fulfil their divine calling and bring glory to God as they serve Him and others.
2. Submit to your boss
When believers submit to their bosses, even if their bosses are difficult or kind, it brings glory to God. In 1 Peter 2:19, the apostle Peter encourages believers to endure hardships and mistreatment from their bosses with patience and faith. By doing so, they imitate the example of Christ, who suffered unjustly for the sake of others. This act of submission demonstrates trust in God’s sovereignty and His ability to work through difficult circumstances for His purposes.
In Colossians 3:23, Paul also reminds us believers to work diligently as if we are serving the Lord Himself, not just our earthly employers. This mindset shifts our focus from seeking human approval to seeking to honour and obey God in our work.
By working with this perspective, we can find a deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment in our tasks, understanding that our efforts are not in vain. This verse serves as a reminder to prioritize pleasing God in all aspects of our lives, including our work.
Don’t lose the blessings of being faithful
Many times, being faithful doesn’t yield immediate results. It takes time. God increases anyone faithful in handling another man’s possessions, money and small things ( Luke 16:10-12). Keep serving God wherever you are without fainting. He will reward you.
In conclusion, being faithful truly stands out as the hallmark of great workers in God’s kingdom. It is your dedication to your craft that distinguishes you from the rest, allowing you to establish long-lasting relationships, achieve remarkable accomplishments, and make a lasting impact. By embracing faithfulness as an essential part of your work ethic, you can develop excellence, promote a positive work culture, and contribute to your personal, spiritual and professional growth. Therefore, let faithfulness guide you towards your goals, drive your success, and define the legacy you leave behind as a great worker in God’s kingdom. On that day, the master will welcome you with the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”