“Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” — II Peter 1:10 - 11 NKJV
In every workplace, ministry or business, diligence is a non-negotiable element to supply if a vision must prosper. Jesus exemplified it to the Apostles, especially Peter. He laboured all day and still had time to pray at night. Peter, having been in ministry for a while, comes back to write to all believers about why we must supply diligence to our calling. That is, so we’ll not stumble.
Translated word “stumble” means fail. So if you don’t work diligently to see the manifestation of God’s building in your mind by vision, you’ll surely fail. Or let me say another way; you’ll not see it established physically.
I’ve seen many people claiming that they want to open several businesses and organisations. Years later, none of those ideas is physically existent. Is it because God doesn’t love them? No! It’s because they failed to supply diligence to make their calling and election of grace to do what God gave them.
Imagine if Apostle Paul joked with his life, refused to submit to God and never wrote any of his letters we use today; billions of people would have missed benefiting from his ministry. That is why it is so sad to see people dying with God-inspired ideas that never got implemented. Their decision to neglect God’s call affects generations unbeknownst to them. Are you joining them unawares?
Life is not a joke. You don’t rise to the top by wishing or merely praying. It’s about your relationship with God and the right people (spouse, brethren and team) alongside purposeful work.
God is a Spirit (John 4:24). He doesn’t build physical visions here on Earth. He gives divine purpose to His children and empowers them to build. You are inclusive. So place your body under subjection and use it to do what God called you to fulfil.
You’re a blessing.
God, empower me to build upon the visionary ideas You’ve nourished me with in my mind. I don’t want to come before the judgement seat of Christ only to recognise some visionary deposit was left undone. As I pray, guide me on how to spend my time and resources, and also build a robust team to fulfil divine vision. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 079
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