God Tests Our Hearts

[4] “But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts.” – 1 Thessalonians 2:4 (NKJV)

As a minister who’s supervised a team of preachers for a while, I’ve had the privilege to give each of them opportunities to grow in their various divine callings. But as I kept doing that, I noticed that many godly leaders are watchers, even as I am. They’ll watch team members go about their duties and help them become better over time through grace and experience. But as more opportunities are given to these people, some become proud in their hearts, forgetting that they were helped massively by their leaders to rise. God does a similar thing to His children, especially preachers. He tests their hearts.

God chooses whom He likes to serve in the ministry, especially those who serve full-time (see John 15:16). Some receive their calling but, after some time, drift away from it because they get taken over by evil lusts after money, fornication and fame, only to mention a few. Today, there are people in ministry who’re after how much they’ll extort from congregants whenever they gather together rather than proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom in power. What a tragedy!

To you, servant of God, know that every position God gives you is first a test. And that test is of the heart. Will you do His work with a sincere heart or for selfish ambitions, even without a superior supervisor? Man will never know your intentions for whatever you do, but God sees your motives [see Proverbs 16:2 (NIV)].

Keep being faithful in doing whatever you’re doing. The more you pass these tests, the higher God will elevate you in His kingdom. Let love lead.

You’re a blessing.


Father, I pray for You to empower me to maintain a pure and merry heart in doing whatever You called or asked me to do. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 165

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