[6] “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)
Children are receivers. Their sense of judgment on what’s good and evil isn’t yet developed. So, they merely accept anything given to them. And even though this is for their protection, it also poses a risk to them. But why? Because when they don’t get a good foundation from the inception of their lives, it affects them for years. For myself, I actually discovered that some things I saw people do around me when I was a child were wrong when I came to know Jesus. You see. That is why one of the purposes of godly marriage is for children’s protection and to facilitate a godly upbringing in a godly home.
Proverbs 22:6 says that when a child is trained in the way (i.e., the Jesus way) he should tread upon, he won’t depart from it when he is old. That emphasises that giving Jesus to children at a young age has a long-term effect on how their adult life would look like. And that means parents must build Christ-like systems in their families.
For example, insisting on holding a family morning devotion every morning is a great Christ-like system that’ll ensure the consistent spiritual growth of the whole family members. It’s the same for specific times to pray, attend church and other spiritual activities that build God’s kingdom.
Dear friend, I understand that there can be a lot of pressure you face each day, some from work, church and other people too. But you shouldn’t give yourself to everything and everybody while leaving your family aside. Sometimes, withdraw from all things that take your time to spend quality time thinking about making Christ known in your family’s daily activities.
On the other hand, if you’re single, learn how to dream of making Christ known in your family. You can write those dreams down and keep praying upon them, and probably withhold sharing them with people until you meet the right person. If you are in a godly relationship leading to marriage, have discussions of these sorts and start having some online, such as morning devotion. It’ll prepare you for what is ahead of you.
Receive the grace to build a family established strongly on the foundations of Christ.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for Your insight in the Word. Help me to conceive a greater family vision that will glorify Your name in every sphere of our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 255
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