“Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.” — Proverbs 24:27 NIV
One of my favourite Bible verses is Proverbs 24:27. In that verse, Solomon teaches that you should put your outdoor work in order before building a house. In other words, he was saying, “Ensure your work and vision are well established before building a home.”
So work comes before marriage. And this isn’t new in the Bible. It dates back to the beginning.
God gave Adam work before presenting Eve for him to take as a wife or helpmeet for his destiny (Genesis 2:15, 22). So it’s God’s will to show you, especially as a man, your vision before answering your prayer request for a spouse.
Many people are suffering quietly in marriages today because they didn’t discover their divine purpose before entering such a covenant. Yes, there are unique cases where God reveals people’s purposes to them after they get married. But it’s ideal in the systems of heaven that every single person will know one’s purpose before hooking up with a spouse.
What are you doing today? Don’t you know that there are times coming you’ll become a father or a mother? Can’t you see that life is in seasons?
There are men who spend their entire salary without saving a penny for their unborn children. Some women are so engrossed in buying products to make their bodies so attractive that they aren’t making any preparations for upcoming seasons of motherhood.
I always use married couples in my local church as case studies. I watch how their lives change drastically after getting married and giving birth. For that reason, I never forget to teach some young ladies who speak to me concerning relationships about these truths.
Don’t live as if there’s no tomorrow. Man, start structuring your finances. Save some for the house in your mind, the school fees of unborn children and even the expenses of your wedding, whether you’ve met your female partner or not.
Solomon said, “… get your fields ready.” The New King James Version says, “make it fit for yourself in the field.”
See, you don’t have one field. Your fields are many. In other words, several compartments of your life need to be well-structured.
No revelation from scripture lacks benefit to the one who obeys it.
Learn to manage your funds and budget well as a bachelor or spinster. Learn how to save money for yourself, give some to the ministry and others, and personally use some while you’re alone.
You don’t have to let another person know about these personal projects. They don’t have to be in your CV. You’ll see its benefits when you grow up.
Remember that no revelation from scripture lacks benefit to the one who obeys it.
You’re a blessing.
Lord, teach me how to manage my life well. Give me foresight into my future, so I can become a better manager of everything You’ve given me today for the benefit of my generation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 060
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