Money is neither good nor evil. God didn’t create it. But one thing is sure; it has a purpose for which it’s existent in the world today. We usually use money to do so many things, whether good or bad. However, one thing missing in many people’s lives is their recognition of the need to save money.
When you don’t understand the meaning and purpose of an action, you’ll not see why you should practise it. Lazy people refuse to work because they usually don’t understand God’s purpose for creating work in the book of Genesis.
In the same way, many of us, including believers, don’t see the need to save money because a lot of us haven’t received sound doctrine in church about how important this practice is. And this reflects in how some Bible-believing tongues-speaking Christians still misuse and abuse money, ending up in perpetual financial struggles.
I believe if ministers of the gospel teach the sheep of God about the purpose of money, how to use it effectively and handle it wisely, much of the financial struggles many Christians face will be permanently out of our lives. Below are two reasons why saving money is important from the Bible.
1. Prevention of future financial struggles
In Genesis 41 in the Bible, it’s written how Joseph became the prime minister of Egypt after explaining Pharaoh’s dream and giving him wise financial advice to deal with an impending famine. Since Joseph assumed his position, he started saving food for the entire country in every region. What amazes me about this is that Joseph was consistent in this task for seven good years.
I could have imagined how the Egyptian citizens mocked Joseph for doing that since, at that time, there was no sign to them that there’ll be famine in the next seven years. Nevertheless, Joseph continued to stay committed to the vision. Eventually, he saved the whole nation of Egypt, as well as Israel, from dying out of hunger when the famine came.
People who don’t understand that there are future needs to meet usually criticise those who save money. Don’t follow their talk. They’re doing so because of their shortsightedness.
Always having enough money in your savings account and (or) emergency account(s) eases your stress of thinking of where to get money to solve life problems and grab opportunities that require funding.
For instance, if godly-visionary parents start saving for every one of their children as soon as they are born, issues like lack of money to pay school fees and sponsoring other essential things in their lives won’t be their story. Meanwhile, it’s usually the opposite of what we see today. Save money now!
2. Saving money proves to God that you’re a faithful steward
In God’s kingdom, we don’t own what we have or will ever receive (1 Corinthians 4:7). We’re stewards of God’s possessions as children of God. And one of the things God checks when it comes to faithfulness is how we handle money. If we save some money and use the rest purposefully, God is glad. However, if we’re too spendthrift or extravagant, He’s not happy with that attitude.
In Matthew 25, Jesus told a parable about three servants whose master tested them for their faithfulness. The master gave them bags of gold, each according to their capacity (Matthew 25:15) and then travelled.
When this master returned after some time, he was impressed by how two of his servants used what he gave them to work and bring multiplication. But for the third one who hid his money in the ground, the master called him lazy.
Although each servant presented their money to their master, the lazy servant lost his money because he was overprotective of it. Here’s my point.
God doesn’t want you to be overprotective of money, saving every little penny to the extent that you fail to use some to take care of yourself and work. No! He wants you to be wise and faithful to use some, give some and save some.
If the first two servants had used up all their profits, would they have gotten enough money to show to their master? No! The master called the first two servants “good and faithful,” not only because they worked with what they had but also saved what they got after working with it.
Saving money may be uncomfortable and sometimes hard to do. But when you understand that life isn’t about what you want today but how you must live tomorrow, you’ll do it no matter your present hardships. Be wise in handling finances.
You’re a blessing.