When God made the world, He never created money. Instead, He created man on purpose and put him in Eden (His presence), where all the things man will ever need to live fulfilled lives devoid of stress and struggles are already available in abundance. So, in essence, although God is rich and has all the silver and gold, there was no need to factor money as part of His creation plan for humanity.
However, the fall happened in Genesis 3, and one of the consequences man has ever faced is to till the ground before getting something to eat. That is where scarcity began. As the number of people increased on the face of the earth, it became worse. So, there was the need to create something that men could use to access their wants and needs, even if they didn’t have them. That is where money was invented. I don’t know who came up with this idea, but I’d say that that’s an amazing invention.
The first time the word “money” is cited in the Bible is in Genesis 17:12 when God was speaking to Abraham about circumcising purchased foreign slaves to become part of the covenant of circumcision. That tells me that even though Abraham was wealthy, God knew he’d need help. So, he had to use money to buy slaves from foreign lands to manage his possessions.
If God understood this right from Genesis, it clearly means God isn’t against any of his children becoming rich. Instead, He wants us to trust Him and learn to use our money wisely. Below are three purposes of money in each believer’s life.
1. Money is needed to fulfil divine purpose
Purpose is interdependent. You can’t produce everything you need to fulfil your divine purpose. For this reason, you have to get it from others, and that’s impossible without money.
For example, if a church needs drums and pianos to hold services, they can’t produce those materials all by themselves. They have to get it from others. That means they must have the money to purchase those needs; so that they can fulfil their divine purpose of preaching Christ to the world. Imagine if there were no businesses to produce drums; where would that church get the drums to hold service?
There were times Jesus had to send the disciples to buy food using his ministry’s treasury because He Jesus, with the disciples, knew that they ought to eat to live and continue the work of the ministry. Dear friend, check how you use your funds because you must be wise to purchase the things that’ll help you fulfil your divine purpose.
2. Money is needed to test your heart
Money is neither good nor evil. But when given to you, how you use it indicates where your heart is. Jesus said in Luke 12:34 (NKJV) that,
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:34 (NKJV)
If your heart is full of love for the Lord, it’ll be easy for you to sow into the ministry. When you genuinely love people, you’ll be willing to support them financially. If your heart is passionate about football, it’s easy to fall into the trap of sports betting.
Money is just money. But in God’s idea, He uses it to test our hearts by checking how we use them when we get them. That is why the true riches of God’s kingdom are entrusted, not earned or worked for (Luke 16:11). If you want discipline in how you use money, stop doing calculations. Let God’s Word fill your heart and mind. For it’s through this that there’ll be order in your area of finances.
3. Money is needed to meet our needs
Lastly, money is needed to meet our needs. Without money to pay fees, children will lack education. Without money to buy food, people will die out of hunger. Poverty is too bad to endure, and it’s sometimes unfortunate how some Christians advocate it. The Bible doesn’t say money is the root of all evil. Instead, it says, “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). Love God your Source, not money, and He’ll provide for you to meet your needs.
In conclusion, I want to encourage you to trust God, understand the purpose of money, and use your funds wisely. You’re a blessing.