Fuel the Vision


As nice as it is to buy a car, without fuel, you cannot use it. In the same way, as good as it is to know your purpose in the Lord (why God brought you on earth), without active preparation towards stepping into its fullness, you’ll not see its full manifestation in your life.

One sad reality I’ve seen amongst some people is that they don’t know why they are on this earth. And for the few who know theirs, most of them don’t know how to prepare for step-wise fulfilment of God’s purpose for their lives. So I decided to pen down this article for anyone who desires to live a purposeful life but barely doesn’t know why and how to prepare for it.

Before I start giving you tips to fuel the vision of God for your life, you have to know your purpose. Without it, there’ll be a lack of inner fulfilment no matter how well-to-do you become.

Read: Five ways God uses to reveal divine purpose

1. Write down the vision

It’s one thing to receive your vision in the Lord and another to write it down. Because we live in a media-saturated world, it has become easy to forget the things you receive in God’s presence just a few moments ago. God foresaw this, and that’s why He led the prophet Habakkuk to teach us how to treasure His revelations in our lives permanently through writing.

Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision. And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.

Habakkuk 2:2 (NKJV)

When you write down your vision for your life in Christ and place it at a place you’ll constantly see, it’ll be easy to remember and live by it. You’ll instantly understand that in Jesus, you live, move and have your being (Acts 17:28). Your approach to each day will be so unique that everything in your life will be affected.

Moreover, it helps you stay conscious of God’s promises upon your life and makes you live on assignment no matter where you’re on the face of the earth.

2. Pray with your vision in focus

After knowing your vision, you’ll realise that it’s not by might that you’ll get to where the Majesty is taking you. Because He revealed it to you, He’s the same Spirit that is obligated to help you fulfil it; and that requires the investment of prayer.

When you pray with your vision in focus, you’ll receive ideas and instructions from the Lord on carrying out specific duties pertaining to your divine mandate.

In John 16:13, the Bible tells us that it’s the responsibility of the Holy Spirit to show believers what is yet to come. If you don’t fellowship with the Spirit by prayer, how do you expect Him to tell you the things in Jesus’ mind concerning your life?

Friend, prayer isn’t only about presenting requests about earthly things, although it’s essential. It’s much more about fellowship with the Lord, through which you can gain access to specific directions from the Lord on how to live on assignment and carry out the responsibilities of life.

3. Make intentional sacrifices to keep God’s Word

Vision without sacrifice towards its fulfilment would remain as ideas in mind and on paper. God’s primary way of regulating any man’s life is by giving him a vision. Vision will create priorities and teach you how to use your time and resources (especially money) wisely. Let’s look at one example in God’s Word.

In Genesis 14:22-23, we see in the Word that Abraham (then Abram) rejected all the possessions the king of Sodom gave him after defeating five kings, only to rescue Lot, his cousin from being sent to exile. Abraham explicitly said that he had made a silent oath (because when he did it isn’t captured in the Bible) not to receive possessions from the king of Sodom (representing evil gains from worldly people); so that this king won’t say in the future that he made Abraham rich.

Vision without sacrifice towards its fulfilment would remain as ideas in mind and on paper.

Already, God had blessed Abraham with lots of possessions, but that would have made him richer. Nevertheless, he rejected it. That’s a sacrifice and uncommon decision made by the man of God only to keep his trust in God’s promises anchored from any evil influence.

Does the desire to reach your high calling in Christ fill your heart? Start checking your daily decisions. Start saving money to sponsor the projects and tasks related to your divine purpose. Sacrifice to keep God’s prophecies and promises upon your life.

4. Discern God’s speaking in every situation

The last thing I want to share here is discerning the speaking of God in every season and situation in your life. Sometimes, we complain too much about why some things aren’t working in our lives. Although some problems persist as a result of lack of knowledge in some areas of life, yet still some crises are allowed by God to teach us new things.

For example, if you come from a family where there’s perpetual scarcity in financial provision for children, you must be wise enough to start seeking God’s way of handling finances as you pray so that this evil trend won’t affect your upcoming generation. Stop blaming your parents for why this is happening in your family. God has ordained you to change that trend.

Vision doesn’t give space to blame others for what’s not working out. Instead, it makes room and passion for God to use you to inspire change.

In conclusion, I want to tell you that it takes a lot of grace to live a purposeful life in Christ. Be intentional to fuel the vision of God for you by practising the above principles as sourced from God’s Word.

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