Are You Wandering from Your Rightful Place?

[8] “Like a bird that wanders from its nest
Is a man who wanders from his place.” – Proverbs 27:8 (NKJV)

In life, there are specific places for every person to be. God is a God of stability, although He’s progressive in how He does things in every one of His children’s lives. But there are some areas that He wants you to remain permanently there. One such area is marital settlement. As long as this Earth remains, God made male and female, and as such, He will continue hating divorce. When a married man starts flirting with other women apart from his wife, he’s wandering from home, and that is very costly. I’ve heard of some of such people dying prematurely. Meanwhile, if they followed God’s principle of marital faithfulness, that could have been avoided.

Not every idea that drops into your mind is suitable to pursue immediately. Some ought to be placed in your ideas archives until God says yes to them individually.

According to Proverbs 27:8, any person who wanders from his rightful place is like a bird who wanders from its nest. What will happen to such a bird? It will never find a rightful place to call ‘home.’ So is the life of many people today. Concerning that job you want to change because you want more money, what if that is where God has ordained you to be for ten years before switching to a new one? That church you want to start, what if it’s God’s will for you to serve under your senior pastor for some years to establish faithfulness in your journey with God?

Not every idea that drops into your mind is suitable to pursue immediately. Some ought to be placed in your ideas archives until God says yes to them individually. And for those who, by grace, have discovered their rightful places in several areas of your life – like a church, spouse, clear vision and mission for your life, or a loving ministry leadership team to belong to, please don’t make the mistake of rebellion and leave that place. If you do, God’s word says you’ll be a wanderer on the Earth. And that means, you’ll amount to nothing in the end.

Avoid following popular opinions of people to do things God has not told you to do. Finding direction in life is not about following the trend but the voice of God.

You’re a blessing.


Father, help me not to wander from my rightful place I find myself in every endeavour of my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 140

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Devotional - Are You Wandering From Your Rightful Place
Devotional – Are You Wandering From Your Rightful Place?
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