[3] “now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” — 1 Peter 2:3 NIV
Many people have issues understanding that the Lord is good. Some say that He had delayed responding to some of their prayer requests. To others, they blame Him for the negativities in their lives. The latter isn’t of God, but the former had never happened without reason.
God has always answered and continues to answer prayers. Anytime you see a delay in your prayer request getting fulfilled, it’s either it’s not your season for God to release that blessing on your life, or you lack faith. For it is written that he who doubts shouldn’t expect to receive anything from the Lord (see James 1:6-7).
God is good. He has nothing to do with darkness, no matter what (see 1 John 1:5). But He is each believer’s Father too. And as a Father, He provides leadership. And that’s where many people don’t understand Him.
Being a leader in The Bible Daily Network, I’ve learned how God exhibits His leadership through the Bible and several experiences in organisational leadership. I’ve realised many followers don’t usually understand why leaders do certain things. So they murmur and complain. Meanwhile, if they had asked for an explanation, they would have seen things clearer.
One way God leads you is for Him to allow you to go through trials — even though He’s with you. But why? So you can experience the practicality of some doctrines in the Word.
For example, how can you know God is dependable if He doesn’t allow you to let others you trust disappoint you? Ask yourself that question again.
So in those moments in life, the devil can suggest to your mind, “If God is good, how can He make this happen to me?” Meanwhile, He has always been with you (see Hebrews 13:5). Don’t believe the devil’s lies. God’s leadership-inspired actions aren’t always comfortable to man. Even Jesus, God didn’t allow the cup of suffering to bypass Him. You’d have to learn some things in life through suffering.
When Peter was writing his first epistle, he addressed it to believers who were pilgrims scattered across the face of the earth. They were going through harsh persecutions. But they remained unwavering in their faith. And because of that tenacity they had, the Apostle said they could love one another fervently due to the purification of their souls (see 1 Peter 1:22). Isn’t that wonderful?
To learn how to taste and see that the Lord is good, do what these believers did. Allow yourself to see God’s grace work massively for you despite the struggles you’re facing in life. It is for your good and growth, and not evil.
Never forget that God will never leave nor forsake you. You’re strong.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for Your goodness in my life. May I never doubt that You’re for me even amidst trials. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 331
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