Bread is a staple food that several people, irrespective of country, consume as part of their daily diet. It exists in various forms and sometimes components, but it is still the same idea of bread that gets used in its preparation. Jesus’ use of such a common commodity is basically to draw our minds to how humans consume food daily to nourish their physical bodies. When he was tempted by the evil one after his 40-day fast to turn a stone into bread, He, therefore, tells him that “man shall not live by bread alone,” which means humans should not only get nourished in their physical selves alone but in the Spirit as well, through the consumption of God’s Word.
Don’t let your belly be your god
Philippians 3:19 mentions what happens to those who have their belly as their God and vividly explains what it means too. It meant that these kinds of people leaned into all forms of earthly or physical pleasures and were, thus, controlled by their fleshy desires. Note that just like in Matthew 4:4, food may just have been used figuratively, but it also forms part of the slave masters of people today.
Another slave master that plagues people currently is riches or wealth. God desires that we serve him wholeheartedly. And when we begin to be controlled by fleshy lusts and desires, we are not able to serve him fully. Simply put, our master is no longer God but our desires.
God also desires that we serve him wholeheartedly and not because of what we will gain in the end. However significant worldly gain is, God created us for more than merely to work for it. He designed us to make an impact in the world by expressing Christ. When we focus on using our strength, knowledge, talents, and abilities to express Him through any kind of work we find ourselves in, resources, including financial blessings, have a way of gravitating towards us. His word says in Ecclesiastes 9:10 that whatsoever one’s hands find to do, he must do it diligently. So God does not frown on working to make money. But He desires that He be the centre of it, and our desire for earthly things does not turn those things into our god.
However significant worldly gain is, God created us for more than merely to work for it. He designed us to make an impact in the world by expressing Christ.
Work to hear God every day
Matthew 4:4 tells us that we should not live by bread alone but according to the words that proceed from God’s mouth. As we continuously open our hearts and ears to His voice, it helps to build a closer relationship between Him and ourselves because He teaches us how to live, how to overcome temptation, and helps to align our thoughts and decisions with His will.
God’s words come to us every day in various forms. Let’s look at three of them.
#1 Prayer
One way we can hear from God is when we pray. Prayer is a way of communicating with God. Through prayer, we can share all our concerns and struggles and seek His guidance and strength. When we speak to God often, we can build a deeper relationship with Him, and we begin to grow sensitive to His leadings. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 even entreats us to never stop praying. That is God’s way of telling us that for man to survive spiritually, he must keep in contact with Him through prayer.
#2 Bible Study
Another way we can hear from God is through bible study. The Bible is essential to our growth as Christians because 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that “… All scripture is given by inspiration of God …,” which indicates that it is essentially a way to hear the direct words of God. However, the verse further says that this scripture is “… profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” That tells us that man cannot be complete without living and growing according to God’s word.
#3 Corporate gatherings
Finally, we can hear God’s Word from corporate gatherings or online channels each day. We are admonished in the Bible to study and share what we learn from the Word to edify one another. That is why Christians need to meet frequently, so we can learn from others who properly understand and teach the Word for us to understand better.
In this current dispensation, however, another avenue through which Christians can jointly hear the word is through online channels and platforms such as online articles, podcasts, and the like, which even helps to connect with a wider community of believers.
In conclusion, man can, therefore, not live depending on physical nourishment alone. Without praying, reading the word of God, and meeting with fellow Christians to discuss the word, a Christian cannot survive. He will be physically grown, yet spiritually stunted. It is therefore necessary that like we eat food to physically grow, we gain spiritual nourishment through the consumption of God’s word every day.
You’re a blessing.