[15] “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” – Colossians 3:15 (KJV)
You’ll not know how valuable peace is until you lose it. I’m a testimony of what I’m saying. I had all my peace living as a university student in the company of believers who understood my calling and gave me the space to work for the Lord with little to no hindrances. As soon as I graduated and lived with a relative for a while who happened not to be a believer, I faced severe persecution for my faith, and that was when I valued the peace of God well.
For Paul to say, “… let the peace of God rule in your hearts …,” he knew what he was talking about. Without peace, we cannot dwell in unity with one another as brethren, ideas for kingdom expansion won’t keep coming, and our hearts will be filled with bitterness. God knows that not all people are the same. And even in Christ, some people have a higher revelation of Him than others, so they do things from different levels of spiritual understanding. Therefore, it’s clear that there’ll be differences, and today, there are. However, peace is more important when dwelling with people than revelations.
Some people can never get to a higher spiritual realm of knowing God than their pastor. The differences will always be evident. But the question is, “How do you process those differences?” Go for peace rather than arguments; for you were called unto peace in the body of Christ, not to the world. If an unbeliever persecutes you because of your faith, maintain God’s peace in your life first before addressing the issue. You don’t need to fight anybody to prove your faith. Vengeance is God’s Work. Let Him do it, and continue serving Him.
You’re a blessing.
Father, help me to let peace rule in my heart towards the brethren, no matter the offences. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD-2024-183
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