Serve God with Your Eyes on Your Heavenly Inheritance


In Matthew 19, Peter asked Jesus what their reward for following Him was. Often, people serve or work because of what they could get. Peter probably asked this question because he, like many of us, was curious about the benefits and rewards of discipleship and service in the ministry. Sometimes, the sacrifices we may have to make in our walk with God may be very difficult, such that it is only natural for us to wonder about the outcomes of our efforts and sacrifices.

Jesus’ response in Matthew 19:29-30 shows that while there are some earthly rewards for following Him, the inspiration behind our service should not solely be focused on worldly gain. In 1 Peter 1:4, the apostle Peter reminds us that every one of our actions and efforts in this life have eternal significance, so we must serve God with our eyes on our true reward, which is in heaven.

You are called to do everything you do with the desire to honour and glorify God. Your actions should, therefore, reflect your love for Him and your commitment to Him.

God is a good rewarder

Hebrews 11:6 says,

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

In the Bible, God is described as a Father who loves His children so much that He would give them only the best. God desires you to be blessed and enriched with all things good. And so, in Romans 8:28, He says that all things will work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Whilst God blesses His children with blessings such as spiritual growth, peace, health, joy and answered prayers, you are also made aware of his promise to prepare a place for you in heaven.

In John 14:2, Jesus assured His disciples, and by extension, all those who serve Him, that He is preparing a place for us in heaven. He said,

“In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?”

That is an expression of the depth of His love and goodness towards you. This beautiful promise is such that we, who used to be Gentiles (unbelievers), are also allowed to enter into God’s kingdom.

Man’s pay will never equal God’s pay

A lot of times, human rewards are often limited and temporary. They can be influenced by personal biases, circumstances, or even the norms of society. But God’s rewards are eternal and immeasurable. They are not based on our worldly achievements or the opinions of others but on our faithfulness and obedience to Him. Thus, it is necessary to remember these when you serve in God’s house (the ministry), knowing that all our works are to be rewarded. That is because God acknowledges your every act of service, no matter how small it may be. So do not be discouraged if the rewards you receive from man fall short. Instead, fix your eyes on God, knowing His rewards are far greater than anything this world can offer.

He sees the true motives of your heart and the extent of your service. In Matthew 6:4, He says,

Your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

God sees and values every act of service, no matter how small or unnoticed it may seem to others.

Give diligence in whatever you do

Diligence is crucial in ensuring that every work thrives. It goes beyond simply working hard and entails a deeper level of commitment, perseverance, and attention to detail. While hard work is essential and involves putting in the necessary effort and exertion, diligence takes it a step further. Diligence involves being thorough, disciplined, and consistent in our actions. It’s about giving your best and paying attention to every aspect of your work, leaving no room for negligence or complacency. As a believer, you are called to work diligently for God. In 2 Peter 1:10, it says,

“Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble.”

When you approach your tasks with diligence, you will attain success not only in this earthly life but also in your spiritual life. It also causes you to be watchful; that way, you are more careful and intentional about living right.

You are called to do everything you do with the desire to honour and glorify God. Your actions should, therefore, reflect your love for Him and your commitment to Him. Approaching your tasks with this mindset brings meaning and purpose to your work, knowing that it is not just for our earthly gain but for the eternal reward that awaits you in heaven.

Don’t take your eyes off the mark

In 1 Corinthians 9:27, it says,

“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.”

This verse emphasises the importance of self-discipline and staying focused on one’s goals. As you journey through life, you can get distracted or discouraged. However, when you remind yourself of God’s provision, you can find the strength to persevere through challenges and stay committed to your calling. Isn’t it wonderful to know that there are immeasurable rewards in store for those who believe? That is an excellent source of encouragement to keep your eyes fixed on the mark and continue pressing forward in our faith.

Believers must remember that serving God diligently is not about striving for perfection or relying solely on our own strength but surrendering to God’s guidance, relying on His grace, and allowing His Spirit to work within us. As we yield to His leading, He empowers us to stay focused, overcome obstacles, and press on toward the ultimate goal.

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