In Genesis 1:1, the Bible says God created heaven and earth. Then in verse two, it says, the earth was void and empty, and darkness was over the face of the deep. So before God made man, there was already chaos in the world. That’s why, after creating everything, God placed man to rule (have dominion) over creation (Genesis 1:26). It takes work to do this command of God. So work is part of us as humans. Meanwhile, not all people see work in this light of scripture.
Murmurings, complaints and lackadaisical attitudes are practised by a lot of people in workplaces today because of bad conditions of work. But more obviously, these attitudes stem mainly from many people’s ignorance of the purpose of work as God designed it. God has reasons for creating work in the world. Today, I’m sharing two of them with you.
1. Work helps us to fulfil our purpose
God’s primary purpose for every person is for him to serve as an extension of the kingdom of Christ through the consistent practice of divine good works. However, this is impossible if He doesn’t live in us because it’s from Him we’ll receive empowerment by grace to fulfil our divine mandates. So it then becomes necessary that every person ought to be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth (1 Timothy 2:4). Following that, the believer is ushered into the realm of purposeful living, making every work he does effective and more Christ-centred.
Work gives us the platform to express and represent Christ wherever we find ourselves. God knows it’s not everybody He has called to stand before a pulpit to preach. That’s why the organic body of Christ has several members. One does this, another does that, but all contribute to the fulfilment of the general purpose of God — to have all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth (1 Timothy 2:4).
It’s your duty to know why God brought you into this world. In other words, discern your position in the body of Christ. Once you are aware of it, you’ll know how your life, through purpose-driven work, will contribute to fulfilling your divine mandate as a child of God.
Also Read: Five ways God uses to reveal divine purpose
For instance, our ministry exists to produce Christ-centred resources online to disciple people in the Lord. Without our team always conscious of our vision, we’ll have no reason to work and even lay aside some resting time to finish tasks. God’s mandate for our ministry regulates how we do everything as a ministry, and this vision doesn’t make what we do an exact copy of what others are doing. When you work purposefully, you’ll find fulfilment at your workplace because you’ll not only have the physical reward but will also receive your divine reward on the day Jesus comes again.
2. Work helps us to earn a living
Without work, we won’t have any money to provide for ourselves and our families and even support the ministry. Having this understanding isn’t wrong or carnal. It’s a replica of what God intended for humanity since the beginning of creation.
There was work for Adam in the Garden of Eden. But he had everything he needed, so God didn’t create money. When Adam and Eve fell, scarcity started to occur, and it became necessary for money to be in the system so that people would be able to access what they needed for monetary exchange. Money is neither good nor evil. But it’s the sweat of your labour. Receive your reward with appreciation, and learn how to use money purposefully.
Also read: The Purpose of Money
God didn’t create work to stress you nor to make you live for weekends. Work has a purpose, and if you understand it from the light of God’s Word today, it’ll end complaints and murmurings. It’s the work people do that makes bad things well. See whatever you’re doing first as a purposeful service to God and then to mankind before thinking about money.