“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” — John 15:5 NKJV
After John chapter 12, Jesus had almost finished His divine mandate on earth. So He began to speak about how He ought to suffer many things in order to take away the sins of people. However, He didn’t neglect giving instructions to His disciples on how to live after He’s physically gone.
So in John 15, He began to explain how the Father is the Gardener, He (Jesus) being the true vine and we believers, the branches. But in verse 5, Jesus says that if we remain in Him, as He is in us, we’ll bear much fruit. Then He adds that without Him, we can do nothing. What in the world do these words mean?
We all know that there are some people in this world doing marvellous things, and yet they aren’t born again. So does it mean Jesus is lying? No. What Jesus meant when he said, “Without him, we can do nothing,” is that when God weighs people’s works, those that are relevant before Him are those Jesus is involved in. This is why effective kingdom productivity heavily depends on your intimate fellowship with Jesus, and ministers can attest to this truth.
Without Jesus, you can do nothing. You can understand how systems work and how to do many things in the name of God. Yet without God’s involvement, instructions and directions, it’ll not be counted as good works before Him.
Learn to abide in Christ by letting His Word consume your thoughts. And it’ll be so easy to do God’s work devoid of struggles.
You’re a blessing.
Father, I pray that I will increase my dependency on You for strength and direction in what you’ve called me to do. Help me to abide in Your Word so that in all my ways, I’ll do according to how You want it to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 327
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