Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” - John 8:31-32 NKJV
Knowing the Truth is the second most significant desire of God for every single person on this earth. The first is the salvation of all souls (1 Timothy 2:4). Without we disciples of Christ knowing the truth, we’ll remain saved but won’t manifest the new creation realities. It’s sad to see many believers not walking in their true identity in Christ.
To know the truth, Jesus said something that ought to before its manifestation. It’s called “abiding in His Word.” Explaining further, it means to increase in your knowledge of the Truth, you must abide in the Word. It is one thing to hear the Word and yet another to abide in the same Word of Christ.
Why don’t you try building a culture of 10 minutes with the Word each day? You’ll be surprised how many things you’ll learn from the Bible in a month. Excessive busyness has never solved all the world’s problems, including those in our homes and workplaces. You’re not wiser than God. If He wants you to abide in His Word and know the truth, then He expects you to set aside your time for Him. I’ve never seen God disgrace any man who obeyed His Word completely. Practice God’s Word.
It is one thing to hear the Word and yet another to abide in the same Word of Christ.
What then does it mean to abide in the Word of Christ? It means letting His Word dwell in you richly (Colossians 3:16). When you’re eating, you can’t be full when you either eat little or stop eating periodically. In the same way, you must spend quality time with God’s Word daily if you want to abide in the Word of Christ. God didn’t design Bible study for only pastors and ministers. It’s for all Christians. You don’t need to be a preacher to abide in Christ’s Word. In fact, what Jesus said in John 8:31-32 went to believing Jews, not preachers.
Why don’t you try building a culture of 10 minutes with the Word each day? You’ll be surprised how many things you’ll learn from the Bible in a month. Excessive busyness has never solved all the world’s problems, including those in our homes and workplaces. You’re not wiser than God. If He wants you to abide in His Word and know the truth, then He expects you to set aside your time for Him. I’ve never seen God disgrace any man who obeyed His Word completely. Practice God’s Word.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional label: KGD // 2021 – 342