Real Freedom Is in Christ Alone
Only Jesus can give you a meaningful life. Without Him as Lord and Saviour in your life, your life cannot be like how He created you to live. Stick to His principles in His Word. He is with You.
Only Jesus can give you a meaningful life. Without Him as Lord and Saviour in your life, your life cannot be like how He created you to live. Stick to His principles in His Word. He is with You.
As a child of God, know that the Holy Spirit is inside you. Your body is His temple (see 1 Corinthians 6:19). That means, with His help, you can devise ways and means to control your body in sanctification (consecration or purity of your heart and life) and honour (value).
When Jesus said we should get rid of any body part that causes us to sin, He was cautioning us to take precautions to control ourselves from getting involved in evil deeds, not necessary doing surgery to cut them out. Sustain your godly integrity with divine wisdom.
Understanding why God has given you a body for the Holy Spirit to dwell in and becoming conscious of it is an even more powerful way to flee from sexual immorality. Why? Because you’ll learn how to control your body and use it purposefully.
Child of God, understand that life is in seasons. You don’t have to lust after the possessions of others just because they are lovely. Nobody’s life is as good as one presents it for others to see, especially on social media.
Your flesh had been crucified when you came into Christ (Galatians 5:24). Demolish every thought that the devil suggests in your mind to use your body to do something evil while being conscious of glorifying God in all your doings.
Knowing why God created sex from the Bible not only gives you the correct revelation but also protects you as a Christian from abusing it and indulging in premarital sex and adultery.
Our lives as children of God should stem from a pure heart, such that the onlooking unbeliever will have zero error with us. But for that to happen, we must turn away from worthless things.
Self-control is indeed a fruit of the Spirit. But in 1 Thessalonians 4:4, Paul says each should learn how to control one’s own body. So that means how the Holy Spirit will help brother A to control his body is different from sister B. The question is: do you know your template?