“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” — Galatians 6:7 NKJV
As long as man cannot see the intentions of anybody’s heart, motives will remain hidden from one another. In the days whereby there’s a high emphasis on digital privacy, more people are doing so many things with their phones that even their spouses or close friends don’t know. The main thing to note isn’t hiding things from people but knowing who watches you now and then – God.
The Bible says God neither sleeps nor slumbers (Psalm 121:4). This means He watches over everything we do, whether conscious of it or not. That’s both great and bad news. Why? God recognises your works to those who do good things without anybody’s knowledge. And the one who does bad things without anybody seeing it is also seen by God.
The Bible, since Genesis 8:22, places so much emphasis on sowing and reaping. You shall reap what you sow. And this principle is so powerful that it works whether you’re born again or not.
A farmer, whether saved or unsaved, doesn’t need to do any extra work after sowing seeds on the ground. As long as he meets the conditions necessary for seed germination, he can be confident that he’ll harvest crops in the future.
In Christ, there are two main realms of life you can sow: the flesh and the Spirit. All other types of sowing and reaping fall under these two. For example, sowing seeds of prayers about your future falls under sowing in the Spirit. Another one is telling lies. That type of sowing falls under the flesh because it gratifies the desires of the flesh.
My question to you is: “Where are you sowing now?” This question isn’t about who sees or doesn’t see your work. It’s personal. Are you sowing in the Spirit by engaging in spiritual activities that’ll build you up in Christ — such as prayer, Word study, Christian book reading and fasting? Or are you sowing in the flesh by using your body as an instrument of unrighteousness?
Remember that according to Genesis 8:22, there’s nothing like “harvest season.” It’s about seedtime and harvest. So what you sow today will be your perpetual harvest in future. Pay the price of living uncomfortably to do the work of the Lord today, and you’ll never miss your reward both on earth and in heaven, just as Jesus promised (Matthew 19:29).
You’re a blessing.
Oh God, I pray that You’ll give me the lens of grace to discern the actions and thoughts that please you. Help me to sow rightly by investing my life wisely in doing your work; so that I’ll not miss the reward that You’ve promised to give whoever follows You wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 333
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