The Pain of God’s Promise

“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born,”- Luke 2:6 NIV

As long as this earth endures, there’ll be different seasons in everybody’s life. In some seasons, you’ll be joyous. In other seasons, you’ll be sad. But in all things, those whose minds are stayed on the Lord will maintain the peace of the Lord (Isaiah 26:3). Everyone loves it when things are going on well in their lives. But when it comes to the bad seasons, it’s then you’ll see that those who follow Christ are on a sure foundation.

Every person who knows God’s promises upon one’s life will sometimes encounter life issues against the manifestation of these promises. It’s called the pain of God’s promise. In those times, you’ll have to arm your mind to stand firm in what God has told you instead of meditating on your difficulties.

Mary and Joseph had a fair share of theirs. When the time came for Jesus to be born, they couldn’t find any guestroom for them in Bethlehem. The place was so crowded because of a census. But to me, I believe those who filled the guestrooms were heartless and selfish people. None of them wanted to sacrifice their room for pregnant Mary and Joseph, especially in her time of labour.

Well, these two people knew how to endure the pain of God’s promise in their lives. As to how the baby got delivered and who supervised it, we don’t know yet. But we know that little Jesus was placed in a manger (a trough for animals to eat from).

Before God would enable something big to happen in your life, you’ll probably encounter the highest form of pain when that thing is just about to occur. Are you in pain because you don’t know how God’s plan will work for you?

Always remember this: God is faithful to perform His Word. Persist until you see the manifestation of what He has said. Merry Christmas.

You’re a blessing.

Devotional label: KGD // 2021 – 356

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The pain of God’s promise
the pain of God’s promise
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