“But Peter and those with him were heavy with sleep; and when they were fully awake, they saw His glory and the two men who stood with Him.” — Luke 9:32 NKJV
I once heard a story of a great man from a city who visited his village one time and asked the children about who they wanted to become in future. To his surprise, none spoke about being a doctor, nurse, engineer, or having any high-paying job in the city. In fact, one of the kids said that he wanted to be a palm wine tapper.
Later, this man thought of possible reasons why these kids are so mediocre in their thoughts. After doing a little research, he concluded that they had not gotten exposed to better lives other than what they’ve seen in the village. That is true.
Anytime a great man of God speaks about how the Lord wants His people to flourish in abundance, those who listen to him seem to get very surprised. Why? Because all their lives, they’ve never seen what the man is saying, especially in their families.
Jesus also knew that all his disciples had been exposed to the law all their lives. So he had to make them encounter the message of grace several times for their minds to get renewed.
One time, He took Peter, James and John to a mountain to pray. As He was praying, Jesus got transfigured; and when these three disciples saw him, Peter proposed that they should make three shelters – one each for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. But the Father covered them with a cloud and said, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him.” (Luke 9:35).
When this happened, these three disciples had a better view of their master. They knew Jesus more than the rest of the disciples and also committed to following Him even closer than the others.
By Jesus using the law of exposure, He got rid of the law-mentality and shallow thinking of Peter, James and John.
Who are you following in Christ? Are these mentors doing great things? If yes, I recommend that you follow them closely because seeing their works will expose you to an abundance mentality while having a reverential view of great Christian leaders.
Friend, God doesn’t and will never support mediocrity, even though He makes people have humble beginnings. Know God’s purpose for your life, and follow those who’re doing similar things to what you’re envisioning to do in Christ as of now. It’ll inspire you to press on because following them exposes you to greater realms of impact.
You’re a blessing.
Lord Jesus, give me access to people who do mighty things for Your kingdom, who’re also flowing in a similar calling you’ve anointed me for so that I’ll not think shallow of where you want me to be in future as long as I keep following You. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 226
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