Patience Is Necessary If You Want to Judge Issues Correctly

“In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines.” — Proverbs 18:17 NIV

I’m not a lawyer, nor have I gone to the courtroom for a case hearing before. But in our ministry, we have teams who happen to study law. So sometimes, in our discussions, they sometimes discuss how cases are being judged in courts. When the first person speaks up, the judge might feel that he’s right until his opponent speaks his side of the story. It’s only then that the judge can analyse the case and judge correctly. That means patience is necessary if you want to judge issues correctly.

Not everybody is a judge by profession. But each day, there are cases that must be addressed, some spiritually by prayer, others at home and in workplaces. Without wisdom and patience, one can make wrong conclusions about issues and end up hurting hearts for no reason.

Apply what Solomon said in Proverbs 18:17 to your life personally. When two people bring up a quarrel before you, wait until you hear from both sides separately before passing a judgment. One may speak well but may be wrong in what he did. The other fellow, although feeling right but offended, may speak out of anger. If you don’t take care, you might pass a wrong verdict about their case, hurting the right person for no reason. Pray for patience.

You’re a blessing.


Lord, help me to be patient when judging issues between two or more parties. This I pray, in the name of Jesus, Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 052

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Devotional - Patience Is Necessary If You Want To Judge Issues Correctly
Devotional – Patience Is Necessary If You Want to Judge Issues Correctly
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