“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” - John 7:24 NKJV
A righteous judgment is a judgment done without any hint of partiality. I hardly hear people speak against partiality. But the truth is, it is still happening. Many people (including some Christians) do not make a righteous judgment when there are issues to address because they don’t discern between what’s good and evil. When you make a judgment concerning a situation based on what you physically see without looking at God’s intentions towards it, you’re being partial. That was what the Israelites wanted to do to Jesus.
When Jesus performed miracles, they marvelled. But when He did something against their laws, they got frustrated. In John 7:14, Jesus was teaching the Israelites in the synagogue. They were amazed at the things He was saying. But they didn’t know the Pharisees were looking for a way to kill Him. So when Jesus told them that they wanted to kill Him, the crowd answered that He was demon-possessed.
Because they weren’t aware of the Pharisees’ plans to kill Him, they judged Jesus based on appearance (what He said) instead of facts and truth. Are you one of those people who make judgments based on appearance? You may be wrong. What you see isn’t what exactly it is. There is more. Don’t jump to conclusions about something if you lack adequate information. To make righteous judgments in the best possible way, inquire deeply about the issues at hand to help you discern the solution well. May God help you.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional label: KGD // 2021 – 344
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