[4] “So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. [5] He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.” — Luke 2:4 - 5 NIV
Being a young adult with a ministry comprising a youthful team, I’ve had the privilege to counsel several young people in the area of relationships. I remember one telling me she didn’t want anyone to know about her relationship with her beloved until a few months or years before the marriage. And I told her, that’s wrong. Marriage may be about two people, but it’s never an overly privatised institution. Otherwise, weddings would have been done indoors.
But before any marriage, there’s a relationship. And that means making people aware of what’s going on, particularly close spiritual guardians and a few family members, is of great significance. You may neglect the family aspect if they don’t share your faith. But for sure, don’t neglect to let your spiritual guardians in your church know about it, else when there’s a problem, you’ll struggle to find meaningful help.
According to the Bible, it’s not wrong to hang out publicly with your beloved. It’s not bad when people have a far view of your relational life, especially in the church. In fact, Solomon says in Proverbs 15:22 (NIV) that,
[22] “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”
That verse, in the context of relationships, means that your relational life will do well if surrounded by like-minded believers who are for both you and your partner.
Joseph was never shy about going to Nazareth with Mary for the census, even though he hadn’t married her yet and she was expecting the child Jesus. If it were today, keyboard warriors on social media would have lambasted Joseph for being a foolish man, walking with someone bearing a child who’s not his, and yet still going ahead to marry her. This man walked with his beloved publicly, cared for her and protected her all along, knowing very well that God had told him to stay in that relationship.
Dear friend in Christ, don’t follow what the world is doing. When you’re dating someone, don’t over-privatise it. Hear God for yourself concerning that relationship, and make a few trusted brethren know about it to help you. I can guarantee you that if you two are meant to be together, the naysayers may talk. But God will see both of you through.
Man of God, don’t be shy to hang out with that godly lady you love and want to marry. Love is beautiful, even amidst strong opposition from watch parties.
You’re a blessing.
Father, help me to navigate relationships well with the help of Your Word and Spirit. Keep me around people ready to give and teach me relevant information to live according to Your ways. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 356
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