“Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.”— James 5:7 NKJV
Farmers are amongst the great teachers of patience. They can wait from the time of planting to harvest season. However, they don’t do it without ensuring their farmlands are always clean. Why? Because they know weeds can compete with plants for nutrients. So they get rid of them.
Apostle James had some agricultural knowledge about how these things work. In their time, the believers anticipated the second coming of Jesus as imminent. So to encourage them to remain focused on the Lord, he told them to wait patiently. That is applicable in many areas of our lives.
God may have shown you glimpses of your future, how bright it is or will be. But when you compare where you are today and the beautiful imagination about your life in mind, you just cannot trace your path there. Let me encourage you: it is worth the wait. Grow through the process.
You may never know the attacks that could be launched towards you when you reach the peak of God’s calling upon your life. That’s why God labours to hide you for a season and prepare you. So that in the fullness of time, He will elevate you, and by that time, you’d have had enough divine wisdom to sustain yourself at that level.
Are you troubled as to why some things are not working out today? Fret not. God has not forsaken you. Do what you’re assigned to do today with all diligence. And the Rewarder will come with a heavy reward when the time is due.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for the assurance that You’re in control of my life. When I’m down and broken about why my growth process is taking too long, remind me that a great tomorrow awaits me. Help me accumulate divine wisdom as much as possible in my present life; so I can sustain the high level of influence planned out for my life. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 195
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