“Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” — James 4:15 NKJV
In an ever-advancing world of technology, many people don’t care about doing whatever they want to get money. I’ve heard several people say words such as, “Things are hard,” “I want to open up a business,” “I need money,” etc. Of late, the average believer doesn’t look out for God’s will before executing his decisions, which is a major tragedy in our generation.
The devil has subtly managed to convince many people that poverty is for Christians. So for salvation and to secure a place in heaven, let them come to Jesus. But becoming rich to build God’s kingdom; let them follow how the world does it. Friend, God is not like that.
God isn’t only interested in you escaping hell; He also wants to give you a meaningful life here on Earth devoid of financial struggles; so that you’ll not be so mindful of making it here on Earth that you forget about fulfilling your divine assignment.
In James 4:13-15, Apostle James rebuked some business-minded believers who were always thinking about travelling to cities to make money without consulting God. He didn’t condemn their business ideas but urged them to seek God’s will for their decision first. And so must we learn too.
Child of God, don’t just follow what your mind tells you or what others are doing to earn millions in their pockets. Life isn’t about guesses, methods and tricks. It’s about knowing God and Jesus, the sent One (John 17:3). That means if what you intend to do doesn’t glorify Jesus and has approval from Him, you’ll end up straying off your destiny, which is the deadliest mistake you can ever make.
Make no mistake. God will judge your works. Your life has already been foreordained to walk in good works (Ephesians 2:10). So it’s not merely about anything your hands find doing, but fulfilling divine purpose. Look out for God’s will before executing your decisions, even the most carefully thought-out ones.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for assuring me that Your plans for my life are for my good. Today, I make a decree to look out for Your will before attempting anything that comes to thought. Cause me not to stray off my divine assignment by embarking on projects that are not in synchrony with my divine mandate. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 194
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