“Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?” — James 2:5 NIV
In my few years of walking with God, I’ve met a few affluent people who don’t care about knowing God and coming to church because they have whatever they want in life. When I encounter such people on the mission field while evangelising with a team of ministers, these people usually drive us away. But I kept wondering. Why do they do this? It’s simple. They aren’t aware that faith in Jesus is more precious than gold.
In James chapter 2 verse 5, it’s written that God has chosen the poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom promised to those who love Him – His children. I find this to be true.
Several times, the people who know God so intimately at a young age don’t have much money. And because of that, many people despise them. But little did they know that God works on the minds of His children before elevating them. So that when they get to such a high level in life, they’ll not see their value in what they have but who God is in their life.
You reap what you sow. If you sow in the Spirit to know God and follow Him closely, you’ll reap significant eternal life of purpose and divine direction plus heavenly reward. If you do whatever you can to amass physical wealth without doing kingdom exploits, you may have a good life on Earth, but your work in heaven will have no weight. Why? Because you did all those things without Jesus, and that is nothing before God (John 15:3).
Life isn’t about having plenty of possessions. It’s about knowing Jesus, the sent one and fulfilling your purpose (John 17:3). You may not have everything you want as you serve God. But I want to assure you that the worth of the faith of Christ Jesus you have is more than gold. Never compare your life with a worldly person because light and darkness have nothing in common.
Father, I pray, in the name of Jesus, help me to see things as You see. Give me insight on where to place value so that I’ll not compare what is light with what’s darkness in this evil world. Amen!
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 171
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