
Showing 12 of 18 Results

Preach the Gospel to all Nations

As believers, God has called us to preach the gospel to all nations. Maybe you thought the divine calling applies exclusively to pastors or people in full-time ministry, but it’s not. As we have accepted Christ as our saviour and are part of the body of Christ, it is our divine mandate to spread the good news in whatever way we can.

Have Compassion for Souls

Whether you’re an ordained pastor or a servant in the Lord’s house, reaching out to others with the message of Christ is your responsibility. You have been given the message of reconciliation to live as an ambassador of Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

Salvation for Confused People

Jesus is the solution for all manner of confusion. He said in John 10:27 that His sheep hear His voice and that He knows them, and they follow Him. So, in short, Jesus is salvation for confused people. When you become His sheep and you spend time building intimacy with Him, you will know His voice clearly without doubts.

What Brings Joy in Heaven

If you’re a ministry leader reading this, please insist on leading the church to evangelise to people. If you’re a Christian belonging to a church, never forget to preach Jesus to people who come around you or who you encounter in life. Enough of beating around the gospel. Hell must be depopulated. Play your part!

Bring The ‘Delivered’ To Jesus

It’s true many churches need more leaders, and the labourers in God’s kingdom are few. But Jesus is the builder of the Church. Let Him lead and guide you, and you’ll not miss the mark. Bring the ‘delivered’ to Jesus. Teach them God’s Word. But don’t cage them into your ministry. Allow them to serve the Lord with gladness, creating avenues to let their spiritual gifts come to bear in the fullness of God.

Snatch Some From The Fire

Dear Minister, don’t stay in your comfort zone. Don’t just pray and study the Word. Move out to win souls unto the Lord. Continue preaching Christ through every possible medium, physically and technologically. People must get saved. Do the work of an evangelist.

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