Dating and Singleness

7 Results

Prenuptial Agreement? – What Does The Bible Say About It

When God joined Adam and Eve together as man and wife, they were both naked and felt no shame. God’s glory covered them to the extent that sharing whatever each spouse had with each other was not a problem. When prenuptial agreement gets into marriage, it turns to a demonic scheme employed by the devil to breed mistrust and selfishness. Don’t fall for it.

Stop Inviting Destruction

Don’t receive God’s Word that confronts your wrong strongholds, and keep holding on to them. You’ll perish if you do that because it’ll always spark quarrels between you and the people you love. And if you don’t take care, you’ll lose God-made relationships only to realise later that you were wrong. Be careful!

It’s Okay To Compromise In Order To Maintain Peace

During Jesus’ time of earthly ministry, the Israelites used to pay temple tax before entering the synagogue. In the context of Jesus’ spiritual understanding, it wasn’t right for God’s children to pay tax before entering the temple to worship. He knew this, but the Pharisees didn’t. Nevertheless, in order to avoid causing offence and to maintain peace, he performed a miracle, got money out of a fish’s mouth and paid the tax for himself and Peter. At that moment, Jesus valued peace more than his knowledge [Matthew 17:25-27]. Not everyone has your level of spiritual understanding. Deal wisely with people.

God Protects Godly Relationships From Failing

Joseph was a just man. He was faithful to the laws of God. And because of his integrity, he wanted to divorce Mary quietly after finding out she was pregnant through the Holy Spirit. What this would have meant is that Mary would be stoned to death and also accused of committing adultery since Joseph wasn’t the one who impregnated her. But God protects godly relationships from failing.

Create Your Boundaries, Servant of God

One time, a man came to Jesus and told him to divide an inheritance with his brother. Jesus could have done it. But he said, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” (Luke 12:14). So Jesus, with all His authority and popularity, still had boundaries in His mind concerning where He must exercise His spiritual sovereignty. God sent Him to die and take away the sin of the world (John 1:29), not to settle family disputes. What about you? Do you know your specific calling?

God’s Hierarchy of Authority

God is the One who established authority since the beginning when He told Adam and Eve to have dominion over the earth. But they fell, and things have changed a little bit now. Learn God’s new hierarchy of authority as explained in much more detail.

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